发布时间:2019-05-14 12:06
【摘要】:电子废弃物中除了含有铅、汞、铬等重金属污染物外,还含有金、银、铂等贵金属资源。因此电子废弃物中金的回收具有重要的理论和应用价值,不仅可以减少环境压力,而且还可以弥补资源的短缺。本文采取的是利用微生物提取典型电子废弃物(废弃线路板)中的金,是一种环境友好型的浸出方法。首先通过培养紫色色杆菌,了解其生长代谢规律,并驯化得到了能够适应pH范围7-11的紫色色杆菌。在紫色色杆菌的产氰阶段,通过通氧气前后对比、添加营养盐前后对比以及调节pH对比得到了产氰量的最佳条件。在最佳产氰量条件下进行金的浸出实验,通过对比预处理前后、不同的粉末添加量以及浸金阶段不同的pH条件下的金的浸出率,获得了最佳的浸金条件。通过实验可知,预处理后金的含量从预处理前的0.082 mg/g提升到了0.188mg/g,且在浸金时金的浸出率也由20.49%提高到了31.84%;在通入氧气后产氰量大大提升,从几乎为零上升到了36 mg/L;金属离子及营养盐的加入可以大大提高紫色色杆菌的产氰量,在添加4.0×10-3mol/L的MgSO4和1.0×10-2 mol/L的K2HPO4时,产氰量由36 mg/L提高到了59 mg/L;pH在7-9时,产氰量随着pH的升高而增加,但是pH9后,产氰量开始下降;金的浸出率随粉末添加量的添加而减少,在浸金阶段调节pH对金的浸出率影响较大,当调节pH为10.5时,金的浸出率达到了最大值68.14%。综合产氰阶段和浸金阶段影响因素,紫色色杆菌浸金时的最佳条件为:产氰阶段通氧气,添加4.0×10-3 mol/L的MgSO4和1.0×10-2 mol/L的K2HPO4,pH调节为9.0;浸金阶段pH调节为10.5,粉末添加量为0.5 g,且需要对粉末进行预处理。紫色色杆菌浸金不仅具有良好的环境效益,而且通过经济效益分析得到处理1 t废弃线路板可获得1452元的收益。
[Abstract]:In addition to lead, mercury, chromium and other heavy metal pollutants, electronic waste also contains precious metal resources such as gold, silver, platinum and so on. Therefore, the recovery of gold in electronic waste has important theoretical and application value, which can not only reduce the environmental pressure, but also make up for the shortage of resources. In this paper, the extraction of gold from typical electronic waste (waste circuit board) by microorganism is an environmentally friendly leaching method. Firstly, the growth and metabolism of Clostridium purpureus were studied by culture, and the purple Clostridium was domesticated to adapt to the range of pH 7 鈮,
[Abstract]:In addition to lead, mercury, chromium and other heavy metal pollutants, electronic waste also contains precious metal resources such as gold, silver, platinum and so on. Therefore, the recovery of gold in electronic waste has important theoretical and application value, which can not only reduce the environmental pressure, but also make up for the shortage of resources. In this paper, the extraction of gold from typical electronic waste (waste circuit board) by microorganism is an environmentally friendly leaching method. Firstly, the growth and metabolism of Clostridium purpureus were studied by culture, and the purple Clostridium was domesticated to adapt to the range of pH 7 鈮,