[Abstract]:Cloud fog is a heterogeneous complex system including gas phase, liquid phase and solid phase. The study of cloud and fog process and the concentration of pollutants in cloud samples is helpful to reveal the formation, migration and transformation of pollution components in the atmosphere. Mount Tai is the highest point in North China Plain, and its pollution degree can represent the background value of North China. The main research objects of this paper are 46 cloud and fog events and 78 cloud water samples collected from July to October 2014 and June to August 2015. In this paper, the chemical components of cloud and fog water, the relationship between particles and cloud chemical components, and the microphysical characteristics of cloud and fog events are summarized. Mount Tai cloud samples were collected by CASCC2 (Caltech Active Strand Cloud water Collector Version 2) cloud sampler developed by Colorado State University (Colorado State University). After in situ measurement of pH and conductivity, the water soluble ions were analyzed in the laboratory. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals. The cloud event was observed by fog drop spectrometer (Fog Monitor,Model FM-100,Droplet Measurement Technologies). The microphysical characteristics (including the number concentration of cloud droplets, water content, effective particle size and median particle size) were combined with the chemical components of cloud and fog samples. The formation and development characteristics of cloud droplets and the transformation of chemical components between aerosol phase and liquid phase in the atmosphere were investigated with meteorological data and PM2.5 concentration at the time of cloud and fog events. Through the study of cloud and fog samples, it is found that the average pH volume of cloud and fog water in 2014 and 2015 is 5.87 and 5.62, respectively, which is much higher than the pH value of cloud and fog water observed at the same observation point from 2007 to 2008. The conductivity of cloud water in Mount Tai is higher than that in other alpine areas of the world, which indicates that the concentration of pollutants in cloud and fog water in Mount Tai is higher. The main ions in cloud water are NH4, SO42-,Ca2 and NO3-.. Among them, NH4 and Ca2 are the most important cations in neutralizing cloud water acidity. During the cloud fog event, the concentrations of these two cations increased. Led to the increase of pH value of cloud and fog water in 2014 and 2015. (NH4) 2SO4 and NH4N03 are the main hygroscopic components in the atmosphere, and the occurrence of cloud and fog events is often accompanied by NH4, SO42-,. The increase of NO3- concentration. PM2.5 may be the main source of soluble ions and acidic components in cloud water. The soluble ions contained in PM2.5 enter into cloud droplets through dissolution, diffusion, dilution and liquid phase reaction, and the higher the concentration of PM2.5 is, the higher the concentration of PM2.5 is. The higher the total concentration of soluble ions measured in cloud water, the smaller the pH value. The analysis of backward airflow trajectory shows that the source of air mass has a certain effect on the concentration of pollutants in cloud and fog water in 2014 and 2015, resulting in some differences in chemical components between the two years. By studying the microphysical parameters of cloud and fog, it is found that the moisture content and numerical concentration of cloud droplets vary greatly among different cloud and fog events, but the diameter of cloud droplets observed is less than 26.0 渭 m, most of which are distributed between 6.0 渭 m and 9.0 渭 m. The peak concentration of cloud droplets is about 7.0 渭 m. It is found that the increase of atmospheric relative humidity and the decrease of PM2.5 concentration will promote the decrease of cloud droplet concentration, and will be beneficial to the formation of large particle size cloud droplets, and the water content of cloud fog will increase at this time. Therefore, when estimating the concentration of pollutants in cloud and fog water, the dilution effect of droplets on pollutants should be considered at the same time. Finally, we summarize the formation mechanism diagram of cloud droplets. The results show that the higher the concentration of PM2.5 is, the higher the concentration of cloud condensation nucleus in the atmosphere is, and the competition for atmospheric moisture is increased, and it is easier to form small particle size cloud droplets, and the concentration of soluble ions in cloud water increases, and vice versa.
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