[Abstract]:Carbon nanotube (CNT) has been widely used in materials, electronics, medicine and other fields because of its unique physical and chemical properties, which increases the opportunity for CNT to be released into the environment. A large number of literatures have proved the toxic effects of carbon nanotubes on microorganisms, animals, plants and so on, indicating that carbon nanotubes will have a negative impact on the ecological environment. Therefore, it is of great significance to understand the environmental process of carbon nanotubes in nature, especially its agglomeration and deposition, for its safe use. In this paper, bovine serum albumin was adsorbed on the surface of multi-wall carbon nanotubes, and the agglomeration, sedimentation behavior and migration in porous media of multi-wall carbon nanotubes adsorbed with proteins were studied. The effect of electrolytes on the environmental process of multi-wall carbon nanotubes was also discussed. The agglomeration and settlement of carbon nanotubes were studied by dynamic light scattering and quartz crystal microbalance, respectively, while the migration in porous media was studied by means of micromodel. Compared with the traditional packed column experiment, the micromodel experiment can directly observe the distribution of carbon nanotube migration with time and space in porous media. The results show that the agglomeration behavior of multi-wall carbon nanotubes adsorbed with protein accords with the classical colloidal DLVO theory. The agglomeration behavior is divided into reaction control stage and diffusion control stage. In NaCl and CaCl2 solutions, the agglomeration behavior is divided into reaction control stage and diffusion control stage. The critical agglomeration concentrations of carbon nanotubes are 175 mM and 2.7 mM., respectively. The agglomeration behavior of carbon nanotubes affects the gravity deposition behavior. The NaCl and CaCl2 concentrations required for carbon nanotubes to reach the fastest gravity deposition are 400 mM and 4 mM., respectively. The interfacial settlement of carbon nanotubes on silicon dioxide surface is also in accordance with DLVO theory. The settlement behavior is divided into unfavorable settlement stage and favorable settlement stage. In NaCl and CaCl2 solutions, the critical deposition concentrations of carbon nanotubes are 100 mM and 0.9 mM., respectively. The deposition of carbon nanotubes on alumina surface is always in a favorable settlement stage. The existence of electrolytes can accelerate the agglomeration and deposition of carbon nanotubes, indicating that electrostatic interaction is the main control mechanism of agglomeration and deposition of carbon nanotubes. The migration experiment of carbon nanotube in micromodel shows that the increase of electrolyte concentration can aggravate the deposition of carbon nanotube in micromodel and weaken its migration ability. Deposition also occurs in the absence of electrolytes, which indicates that the phase transport mode of fluid movement affects the migration of carbon nanotubes in the micromodel. The agglomeration and sedimentation behavior of carbon nanotubes affect the pore deposition behavior. In addition to electrostatic action, the difference of velocity at different positions and the unique structure of carbon nanotubes also lead to the formation of aggregates of carbon nanotubes in the micromodel. The deposition distribution of carbon nanotubes in the micromodel is more uniform, and most of the deposition occurs in narrow pores, which indicates that physical blocking is the main reason for the deposition of carbon nanotubes in porous media. The effect of divalent Ca~ (2) on the agglomeration, sedimentation and pore deposition behavior of carbon nanotubes is greater than that of univalent Na, and it is more charged with carbon nanotubes than Ca~ (2) itself. The specific effect of bovine serum albumin and groups on silica surface is also one of the important reasons. It is also due to this specific effect that the rigidity of the settling layer deposited at the interface of carbon nanotubes increases rapidly in high concentration Ca~ (2) solution. This study proves that electrolytes can affect the environmental process of carbon nanotubes, and provides an important basis for predicting the environmental behavior of carbon nanotubes and evaluating their risks.
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