发布时间:2022-12-11 15:03
本博士论文利用2003-2008期间在上海、北京、青岛等大城市以及在榆林、多伦、乌鲁木齐、塔中等沙尘源区共七处采样点近五年的气溶胶监测数据,采用富集系数、元素/离子特征比、后向轨迹以及包括因子分析和相关性分析在内的多种统计学析方法,系统全面地研究了以上海为代表的中国特大城市气溶胶的化学组成、时空分布、粒径变化、存在形式、来源、形成机制及其与长途传输而来的沙尘气溶胶的相互混合和组分转化而产生的对区域大气环境质量的重大影响。本研究的主要成果有: 1.深刻揭示了高浓度细颗粒物、长时间灰霾和严重酸雨是上海空气污染的三个典型特征。从2001年到2009年间,每年灰霾发生的天数都超过了150天。在过去的十几年中,上海降水的pH值呈现出剧烈的下降趋势,年平均酸度提高了20多倍。细颗粒物PM25的年平均浓度高达0.050-0.059mg/m3,超过国际卫生组织年平均值标准0.015 mg/m3的3-4倍。2004年PM2.5/TSP的年平均值达到了0.41,到2007年则达到了0.53,呈逐年增长趋势。说明了上海的细颗粒物污染程度极其严重。 2.详细阐明了上海气溶胶在不同季节的不同...
【文章页数】:148 页
[1]Local and non-local sources of airborne particulate pollution at Beijing——The ratio of Mg/Al as an element tracer for estimating the contributions of mineral aerosols from outside Beijing[J]. HAN Lihui1, ZHUANG Guoshun1,2,3, SUN Yele1 & WANG Zifa3 1. The Center for Atmospheric Environmental Study, Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2. Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Study, Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 3. LAPC/NZC, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Beijing 100029, China. Science in China(Series B:Chemistry). 2005(03)
[2]冬季上海吴淞地区大气颗粒物PM10的元素主成分分析[J]. 李德禄,张元勋,李爱国,王荫淞,张桂林,李燕. 核技术. 2005(02)
[3]北京大气气溶胶PM2.5中的有机示踪化合物[J]. 何凌燕,胡敏,黄晓锋,张远航. 环境科学学报. 2005(01)
[4]INFLUENCE OF ASIAN DUSTS ON THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOLS IN TAIWAN DISTRICT——USING THE PENGHU ISLANDS AS AN EXAMPLE[J]. Chung-Shin Yuan*, Cheng-Chung Sau and Ming-Chung Chen Institute of Environmental Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 804, China. China Particuology Science and Technology of Particles. 2004(04)
[5]Analysis of carbon isotopes in airborne carbonate and impli-cations for aeolian sources[J]. CAO Junji1,WANG Yaqiang1,ZHANG Xiaoye1,Lee Shuncheng2,Ho Kinfai2,CAO Yunning1 & LI Yang1 1.SKLLQG,Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sci- ences,Xi’an 710075,China;2.Department of Civil and Structural Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong,China Correspondence should be addressed to Cao Junji(e-mail: Chinese Science Bulletin. 2004(15)
[6]Chemical characteristics of aerosols at coastal station in Hong Kong.Ⅱ. Environmental behavior of trace elements during the April 1995 to April 1996[J]. K.S.Lam,Z.L.Cheng,S.C.Kot,C.W.Tsang. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2004(02)
[7]沙尘源区与沉降区气溶胶粒子的理化特征[J]. 刘明哲,魏文寿,高卫东,周宏飞,Sadayo Yabuki. 干旱区地理. 2003(04)
[8]气溶胶、降水中的有机酸、甲磺酸及无机阴离子的离子色谱同时快速测定法[J]. 袁蕙,王瑛,庄国顺. 分析测试学报. 2003(06)
[9]ACE-Asia期间北京PM2.5的化学特征及其来源分析[J]. 张仁健,徐永福,韩志伟. 科学通报. 2003(07)
[10]北京市大气颗粒物的浓度水平和离子物种的化学形态[J]. 段凤魁,刘咸德,鲁毅强,王林,贺克斌. 中国环境监测. 2003(01)
【文章页数】:148 页
[1]Local and non-local sources of airborne particulate pollution at Beijing——The ratio of Mg/Al as an element tracer for estimating the contributions of mineral aerosols from outside Beijing[J]. HAN Lihui1, ZHUANG Guoshun1,2,3, SUN Yele1 & WANG Zifa3 1. The Center for Atmospheric Environmental Study, Department of Chemistry, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2. Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Study, Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 3. LAPC/NZC, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Beijing 100029, China. Science in China(Series B:Chemistry). 2005(03)
[2]冬季上海吴淞地区大气颗粒物PM10的元素主成分分析[J]. 李德禄,张元勋,李爱国,王荫淞,张桂林,李燕. 核技术. 2005(02)
[3]北京大气气溶胶PM2.5中的有机示踪化合物[J]. 何凌燕,胡敏,黄晓锋,张远航. 环境科学学报. 2005(01)
[4]INFLUENCE OF ASIAN DUSTS ON THE PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF ATMOSPHERIC AEROSOLS IN TAIWAN DISTRICT——USING THE PENGHU ISLANDS AS AN EXAMPLE[J]. Chung-Shin Yuan*, Cheng-Chung Sau and Ming-Chung Chen Institute of Environmental Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 804, China. China Particuology Science and Technology of Particles. 2004(04)
[5]Analysis of carbon isotopes in airborne carbonate and impli-cations for aeolian sources[J]. CAO Junji1,WANG Yaqiang1,ZHANG Xiaoye1,Lee Shuncheng2,Ho Kinfai2,CAO Yunning1 & LI Yang1 1.SKLLQG,Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sci- ences,Xi’an 710075,China;2.Department of Civil and Structural Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,Hong Kong,China Correspondence should be addressed to Cao Junji(e-mail: Chinese Science Bulletin. 2004(15)
[6]Chemical characteristics of aerosols at coastal station in Hong Kong.Ⅱ. Environmental behavior of trace elements during the April 1995 to April 1996[J]. K.S.Lam,Z.L.Cheng,S.C.Kot,C.W.Tsang. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2004(02)
[7]沙尘源区与沉降区气溶胶粒子的理化特征[J]. 刘明哲,魏文寿,高卫东,周宏飞,Sadayo Yabuki. 干旱区地理. 2003(04)
[8]气溶胶、降水中的有机酸、甲磺酸及无机阴离子的离子色谱同时快速测定法[J]. 袁蕙,王瑛,庄国顺. 分析测试学报. 2003(06)
[9]ACE-Asia期间北京PM2.5的化学特征及其来源分析[J]. 张仁健,徐永福,韩志伟. 科学通报. 2003(07)
[10]北京市大气颗粒物的浓度水平和离子物种的化学形态[J]. 段凤魁,刘咸德,鲁毅强,王林,贺克斌. 中国环境监测. 2003(01)