
发布时间:2018-01-07 22:09

  本文关键词:某地铁车站基坑开挖及降水共同作用下引起地面变形的分析 出处:《长春工程学院》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 围护结构 参数分析 数值模拟 现场监测

【摘要】:地铁车站深基坑支护结构的受力与变形是地铁深基坑建设中重要研究课题之一,明挖地铁车站围护结构在开挖和降水共合作用下的沉降分析具有重要的工程应用价值。本文以长春某地铁车站为工程背景,采用理论分析、有限元模拟、监测数据处理分析等方法,对车站基坑开挖及降水共同作用下对地表影响进行研究,通过对上述方法研究得到如下结论:(1)运用理正深基坑软件对地铁车站基坑开挖过程中造成围护结构和周围地表沉降变形情况进行分析计算,结果都符合规范要求。并采用单因素影响实验进行分析得出摩擦角影响最大。随着基坑开挖深度增加,桩身水平位移逐渐增大,其次围护结构弯矩、剪力随着基坑开挖深度增加而增大,最大弯矩点和剪力点逐渐下移。(2)运用GTS NX软件建立地铁车站基坑三维模型,根据工况模拟实际基坑开挖及降水过程,得到开挖和降水共同作用下围护结构应力云图和周围地面变形云图。其结果与监测数据进行对比分析,数据大致基本吻合。地表沉降最大的点位于距基坑8~12m处,发现桩体水平位移最大值位于地面以下9~11.0m的位置。对比钢支撑实际值与模拟值,发现钢支撑模拟值比实际值要大,原因在于实际钢支撑施工过程中,施加钢支撑预应力时发生了损失。本文提出的预测模型针对长春某地铁明挖车站,具备工程应用价值,为后续长春地区相近类型车站明挖基坑围护结构变形预测中具有一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:The stress and deformation of the supporting structure of deep foundation pit of subway station is one of the important research topics in the construction of subway deep foundation pit. The settlement analysis of open-excavation subway station enclosure structure under the cooperation of excavation and dewatering has important engineering application value. In this paper, a subway station in Changchun as the engineering background, theoretical analysis, finite element simulation. Monitoring data processing and analysis are used to study the influence of excavation and dewatering on the ground surface. Through the study of the above methods, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) using the software of Lizheng Deep Foundation Pit to analyze and calculate the surrounding structure and ground subsidence deformation in the excavation process of subway station foundation pit. The results all meet the requirements of the code, and the single factor influence experiment analysis shows that friction angle is the most important. With the increase of excavation depth, the horizontal displacement of pile body increases gradually, and then the bending moment of the retaining structure is increased. Shear force increases with the increase of excavation depth, and the maximum moment point and shear point gradually move down. 2) GTS NX software is used to establish the three-dimensional model of subway station foundation pit. According to the simulation of actual excavation and dewatering process of foundation pit, the stress cloud map and the surrounding ground deformation cloud map are obtained under the combined action of excavation and dewatering. The results are compared with the monitoring data. The maximum ground subsidence is located at 812m from the foundation pit, and the maximum horizontal displacement of the pile is found to be 9 ~ 11.0m below the ground surface. The actual value of the steel bracing is compared with the simulation value. It is found that the simulated value of steel braces is larger than the actual value, because of the loss of prestressed steel braces during the construction of actual steel braces. The prediction model proposed in this paper is aimed at a railway station in Changchun. It has the engineering application value and has certain reference value for the prediction of the deformation of the retaining structure of the open-excavation foundation pit of the similar type stations in Changchun area.


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