本文关键词:石家庄—衡水剖面地下水化学特征及水文地球化学过程 出处:《中国地质大学(北京)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 石家庄-衡水剖面 质量评价 水化学特征 水文地球化学过程 反向模拟
[Abstract]:Groundwater is the Shijiazhuang and Hengshui areas of industrial and agricultural production and an important source of living water. Affected by natural factors and human activities, the groundwater environment becomes worse, threatening the safety of drinking water, limiting the use of groundwater, water supply and demand contradiction is increasingly prominent. Therefore, and the formation process of the in-depth research of Shijiazhuang water chemical characteristics of groundwater in Hengshui. For the rational development, utilization and protection of groundwater is important water source. This paper is based on the comprehensive monitoring of geological environment of Beijing Tianjin Hebei region project, research object in Shijiazhuang - Hengshui section of the Quaternary Groundwater, respectively for the Quaternary aquifer group of water chemical composition of four layer aquifer were studied using Piper three line map analysis of the characteristics of groundwater chemical types, the groundwater quality was evaluated by Nemero index method, using the proportional coefficient method and different ion ion correlation Is to study the formation process of groundwater chemical composition, PHREEQC is used to simulate the interaction of water with different water rock, main conclusions are as follows: three line graph 1.Piper analysis results show that the chemical characteristics of groundwater zonation in the horizontal direction. From the piedmont plain to the Central Plains of the first, the second containing water the chemical type of water is mainly composed of HCO_3-Ca - Mg water, HCO_3 - Cl-Ca - Mg - SO_4-Na - Cl transition to water Ca water, Cl - SO_4-Na - Mg type water; III, IV is mainly composed of HCO_3-Ca - Mg water, HCO_3-Na - Ca water transition for Cl - SO_4-Na water, Cl - HCO_3-Na water.2. water quality evaluation results show that the first and the second aquifer water quality is poor; the third, the fourth aquifer water quality is relatively good. Meet the class III water standard water samples respectively the total water aquifer of 50%, 66.7%, 90.5% and 81.8%.3. ion ratio analysis, groundwater dynamic. Parts from the west to the East has obvious zonation, gradually weakened from the piedmont plain to the Central Plains groundwater dynamic function, and with the aquifer depth increases; from the piedmont plain to the Central Plains of the cation exchange adsorption gradually strengthened, and with the increase of aquifer depth is gradually strengthened; the main source of mineral water chemical ion composition the salt rock, carbonate rock, sulfate and silicate rocks.4. calculation and analysis show that the Shijiazhuang Hengshui area, groundwater is mainly affected by leaching, evaporation, cation exchange adsorption, influence of oxidation-reduction and the impact of human activities. The reverse hydrogeochemical simulation results show that the decision of the first. Aquifer hydrochemical characteristics of the second main hydrogeochemical action followed by evaporation, dissolution and cation exchange reaction; decision III, IV water The main hydrogeochemical characteristics of the chemical characteristics of layer water are filtration and cation alternately adsorption.
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