本文关键词:带辅助协变量的Ⅰ型区间删失数据的回归分析 出处:《武汉大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: Ⅰ型区间删失 加法风险模型 辅助协变量 部分似然
[Abstract]:Survival analysis is extracted from a large number of practical problems in medicine, biology, economics and other disciplines. The theory and application of survival analysis have been widely concerned by all walks of life. Nowadays, its application has penetrated into medicine and pharmacy. In the fields of biology, actuarial science, reliability engineering, economics, and demographics, people tend to be limited by the duration of their research in the process of tracking and collecting data. The objective reasons such as losing contact with the individual make the observation stop and cause the deletion. Under different deletion mechanisms different types of censored data are usually produced. Interval deletion is an important data deletion method in survival analysis. Most of the basic theories on censored data are based on right-censored data, because of the essential difference between interval delete mechanism and right censored mechanism. Interval-censored data is a more challenging type of data. On the other hand, research may be due to financial constraints or technical difficulties caused by some missing or do not have accurate observations of covariables. You can only get some information about auxiliary covariables, in this case. Many scholars have successfully applied the auxiliary information of covariables to the statistical inference of right-censored data. So how to use the auxiliary information of covariables to use interval censored information? Statistical extrapolation of the data? In this paper, we first introduce the common types of censored data and the common semi-parametric model in survival analysis, and then introduce the statistical processing method of the missing data of auxiliary information. We propose two parameter estimation methods for regression analysis of type I interval censored data with auxiliary covariables. The limit distribution theory of the estimator is given. A large number of data simulation and an example analysis show that these two estimation methods are effective.
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