本文关键词: 矿床构造 构造应力场数值模拟 成矿预测 出处:《昆明理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The Yangla Copper Deposit is located in the Jinsha River with the tectonic belt, Northwest Yunnan is one of the typical deposits, the deposit is northwest Yunnan copper zinc polymetallic metallogenic belt on the formation of epigenetic superposition of typical porphyry skarn deposit area. Copper deposit is obviously controlled by structure. In the research area of great significance to construct control mine. This paper made in recent years on the basis of the results of the survey, combined with the exploration practice, from the regional geological characteristics of the river and the farmers to agricultural, such as the representative of the typical mining area, using numerical simulation of tectonic and metallogenic mechanism of mining area, summarized the metallogenic regularity of area, work area of exploration deployment have a direct role in guiding. The major faults in the study area plays a guiding role in guiding mine, the faults are derived magma, hydrothermal mineral, migration channel, secondary to the derived fracture, secondary fold axes, The turning point, fracture zone, interlayer extrusion zone and fracture zone, especially the structure and conversion parts is the ore and mineral storage sites, most ore bodies are produced in the structural fracture zone or interlayer fracture zone. It can be concluded from the comprehensive analysis of the simulation results, the abnormal area of maximum principal stress control the direction of the regional development and distribution of joints, abnormal regional shear stress control secondary fracture and joint development, and the development of follow-up. The vein strain can also control the stress field characteristics of study area rock fissure and pore fluid pressure, and then control the movement of fluid that is, the ore-forming fluid from high stress area to low stress zone migration and accumulation. In addition, the high stress fluid migration to low stress area, due to decreased fluid pressure, more conducive to the precipitation and precipitation of dissolved mineral fluid. Through the mineralization period The relationship between the numerical simulation results of tectonic stress field and the spatial distribution of ore body is studied, and the prospecting direction in the future is summarized, and three favorable prospecting directions are put forward.
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