本文选题:矿山建设 切入点:黄金矿山 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Modern enterprise management requires us to use modern management technology, integrate and maximize the use of internal and external resources, to achieve the business objectives of the enterprise. China's industrial and mining enterprises have learned from the advanced management concepts of developed countries. The Guangshun Gold Mine Construction Project is based on the management of important control objectives such as construction quality. More attention has been paid to the control of safety management objectives. Safety management is to use the principles and methods of modern safety management, to analyze and study unsafe factors, and to take effective measures in technical, economic, organizational and legal aspects. Solve and eliminate unsafe factors, by identifying risks and harmful factors and determining their degree of harm, and carrying out comprehensive, whole-process prevention and control, preventing accidents... Risk problems exist in any construction project. How can we effectively manage risks? To achieve the goal of safety management and finally to achieve the goal of construction is the content of this paper. In view of the problems of extensive management based on experience in the construction of gold mines in the past, Collecting and sorting out the phenomena and unsafe factors of the risk problems, and analyzing the causes of the risk problems through the appearance. In the past, the cost of construction projects was high, accidents occurred from time to time, and the environment was polluted seriously. We are eager to change the status quo and work hard to solve problems in practice, with a view to exploring some useful safety management models and effective risk control measures. There are many uncertainties. If these uncertain factors can not be effectively controlled, they will result in different degrees of economic losses and even casualties. The author takes the construction project of Songjiang River Gold Mine as the background. Emphasis is placed on the identification, evaluation, control and management of the potential hazard sources in the construction of the rock gold deposit. In this gold mine construction project, there are adit development, slide shaft and blind shaft excavation, which require rock drilling and blasting, and the existence of explosives. Damage to dangerous chemicals such as detonators (detonators) and cyanide, falling objects, personnel falling high altitude, mechanical and vehicle accidents, power systems, ventilation systems, fire prevention systems, drainage systems and pressure vessels, etc., Safety accidents will have a substantial impact on the stability and development of mining enterprises. How to control the safety of mine construction projects, It is very important to manage the mine enterprise whether in the early stage or after putting into production. The author argues that the hazard source should be identified effectively first, and then the hazard degree and probability of the hazard source should be evaluated; secondly, the risk source should be identified effectively, and then the hazard degree and the probability of occurrence should be evaluated. The third, the most important thing is to educate and improve the safety consciousness of the whole staff. Firstly, this paper introduces the background and significance of the topic, the research methods and ideas, the general situation of the gold industry, the characteristics of the gold mining enterprises, The risk link of the project is briefly described in order to give the reader a general impression. Furthermore, the basic situation of the construction project is introduced, the relevant factors affecting the safety of the construction project are analyzed, and the hazard source identification is carried out. This paper expounds the present situation and existing problems of construction project safety management. On the basis of analyzing the existing problems, this paper discusses the main construction scheme of construction project and its influence factors on project safety management. Finally, from the aspects of establishing and perfecting the construction project safety management system architecture, the construction project safety production configuration and its safety reliability, Safety management awareness and other aspects, demonstrate the project safety management measures.
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