本文选题:崩岸 切入点:物理力学性质 出处:《合肥工业大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:River bank collapse is an interdisciplinary and frontier research subject. At present, the research on the mechanism of bank collapse is not clear, the problem of bank collapse has not been solved well, and there is a lack of comprehensive cross-study of various disciplines. In order to enrich the contents of various disciplines and have important theoretical value, relying on the Heyuezhou bank collapse control project, through the model test, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis of the bank collapse, the law of bank collapse evolution is revealed. This paper makes a preliminary understanding and theoretical discussion on the mechanism of bank collapse. By using the method of indoor model test, the pore water pressure of slope body under four different conditions of combination of groundwater level and front water level is analyzed emphatically. The experimental results show that the slope body experienced the process of flow erosion, fracture development and overall collapse from stability to collapse, and pore water pressure remained stable in the process of collapse. However, when the slope collapses, the earth pressure changes, and there is a certain rise or fluctuation before the abrupt change, the results of the first condition and the second condition show that when the groundwater level is stable and the front water level is high, the slope body is prone to collapse. Compared with the test results of the third condition, the slope body is vulnerable to instability when the water level in front of the slope is fixed and the groundwater level is high, and the water level within the ground has the hysteresis in the process of the water level falling in the four slopes under the working conditions. Unsteady seepage is formed in the slope. The slope stability in the process of water level decline is studied by using numerical simulation method, considering the fluid-solid coupling theory and strength reduction method. The results show that: in the process of water level falling, The pore water pressure in the slope decreases gradually, the osmotic pressure in the slope increases gradually, the area of low stress region of slope surface layer increases and gradually moves to the foot of the slope, the stability of the slope body decreases and the stability of the slope is destroyed gradually. The sudden drop of water level is one of the most dangerous conditions. When the water level drops rapidly, the lateral hydrostatic pressure of equilibrium bank saturated soil decreases rapidly, and the pore-water pressure does not dissipate completely due to the lag of the water level in the slope. At the same time, the seepage pressure pointing to the slope is also produced, which is not conducive to the stability of the bank slope. Therefore, in the high water season, it is more necessary to prevent the bank collapse. In the actual engineering, it is necessary not only to monitor the displacement of the slope body, but also to monitor and analyze the surface stress. This provides a new idea for the further study of the bank collapse of Anhui River.
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