本文选题:非线性模型 切入点:核实数据 出处:《重庆理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:When one observes a target variable, one may only be able to observe a small part of the exact value of the variable, and we call this small part of the data that can be observed exactly to be the verification data. It is generally thought that the ideal fitting model should have an independent white noise of the same distribution of i.i.d.So, when we fit the data, we get the fitting model. We also study whether the error sequence of the model is independent of each other. In this paper, we mainly study the sequence correlation test of the nonlinear model with verified data. The functional relationship between the verified data and the main data is transformed into a conventional nonlinear model. Furthermore, the unknown parameters are estimated by the least square method, and the test statistics are obtained by the empirical likelihood method. Lemma 3.2 and Lemma 3.3 are proved. By the given condition C and Lemma 3.1-Lemma 3.5, the non-parametric version of Wilk's theorem of test sequence is established, that is Theorem 3.1. Finally, four kinds of test models are designed. That is to say, there is a quadratic or exponential relationship between the explanatory variable X and the response variable Y. There is a linear or sinusoidal relationship between the real explanatory variable X (verified data) and the substitute variable XN (main data). The error sequence of the model will have the first order and the second order correlation. The simulation results show that no matter which model the error is, Under the zero hypothesis, the size of the test is close to the given significant level of 0.05. Under the alternative hypothesis, with the increase of the correlation of the error series, the increase of the total sample size and the increase of the verification sample size, the level and efficacy of the test are better and better.
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