本文选题:量子干涉效应 切入点:相互作用自由 出处:《华东理工大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:In contemporary society, optical communication technology is playing a more and more important role in people's lives. Improving the efficiency and speed of all-optical network has become an urgent problem in our society. The development of optical communication technology directly promotes the development of related devices. All optical operation is the general trend of optical communication technology development. As the core device of all-optical operation, all-optical switch has become a hot topic in recent years. The realization of all-optical switch mainly depends on controlling the strong interaction between light and signal light in the medium. However, the coupling of signal light and control light often leads to the loss of photon number in the medium, so the efficiency of optical switch is difficult to improve. Therefore, how to avoid the coupling of signal light and control light, In this paper, an all-optical switch with free interaction is proposed in the atom-cavity coupling system by means of quantum interference. In the system of interaction between A type three-level atom and coupling cavity, a scheme of realizing the free interaction of all optical switch is proposed. In this scheme, A control light can be used to regulate the reflection of the output signal light and the opening or closing of the transmission channel. When the control field acts on the atoms in the cavity, the signal light is reflected directly by the first cavity. Therefore, there is no direct coupling between the signal light and the control light. Moreover, the optical switch can be realized even if the strong coupling condition between the atoms and the cavity is not satisfied. The cavity strong coupling condition of optical switch is relaxed. Based on the five-level atom-cavity coupling system, an all-optical switching scheme with tunable free interaction over a double dark state is proposed. The basic principle of the scheme is similar to that of the previous scheme. By using the quantum interference effect, the reflection and transmission channels of the output signal are regulated by a beam of control light. However, the switch of this scheme is realized on the basis of the double dark state, because the double dark state does not contain the excited state. Therefore, it is almost independent of atomic spontaneous emission, so high switching efficiency can be achieved. Furthermore, the position of double dark states is adjustable, which means that the optical switching scheme is tunable.
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