本文选题:烟台市 切入点:围填海 出处:《鲁东大学》2017年硕士论文
【摘要】:烟台市处于山东半岛蓝色经济区的核心区段,是环渤海经济圈内的重要城市,是连接东北经济区与华北经济区的枢纽,也是东北亚经济圈内沟通中日韩跨国经济发展带的中心地区。作为一个沿海开放城市,烟台市大陆岸线长702.5 km,占整个山东省的22.5%,对应海域面积2.6×104 hm2,是陆地面积的两倍。“十五”以来,烟台市加快发展港口、海洋交通运输业、机械和造船业、渔业、滨海旅游业以及海洋高新技术产业等,这使得烟台市围填海的面积快速增长。因此,全面把握烟台围填海现状,定量分析烟台围填海动态变化,分析烟台围填海对周边海洋环境的影响,并对烟台围填海的驱动力进行探究,探索烟台未来围填海合理开发利用的方向,这对于减轻围填海活动带来的消极影响,实现烟台海洋经济的可持续发展有着显著的现实意义。本研究以1990年、2003年、2008年、2012年和2015年五期Landsat、SPOT、GF-1、GF-2、ZY-3遥感影像为数据源,结合烟台市已确权围填海信息,运用遥感(RS)和地理信息系统技术(GIS),以面积为指标,从时间、空间、围填海类型三个方面,定量分析了25年来烟台市围填海的动态变化特征。结果表明:(1)烟台大陆海岸在1990-2015年间围填海面积总计20045.34 hm2,其中围海面积13283.92 hm2,填海面积6761.42 hm2;(2)1990-2015年间,烟台大陆海岸围填海速率呈现先持续加速后减缓趋势,2008-2012年最大,其次是2012-2015年和2003-2008年,1990-2003年最小;(3)烟台沿海县市区中,莱州市围填海强度最大;其次是龙口市;海阳市、牟平区、蓬莱市围填海强度居中;烟台市区、开发区、莱阳市围填海的强度较小;招远市围填海强度最小;(4)烟台市大陆海岸的围填海类型主要是盐田;其次是已围待填区域,城镇建设填海和养殖池塘;港口码头填海次之;工业填海和渔业基础设施填海面积较小。基于目前围填海的现状,分别从海岸线、海湾、泥沙冲於环境、近岸水质等方面分析了围填海对海洋环境的影响。基于自然、经济、社会三个方面分析了烟台市围填海的驱动力。最后为烟台市围填海的可持续发展提出了可行的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:Yantai is located in the core section of the blue economic zone of Shandong Peninsula, it is an important city in the economic circle around the Bohai Sea, and it is the hub connecting the Northeast Economic Zone and the North China Economic Zone.It is also the center of the cross-national economic development zone between China, Japan and South Korea.As an open coastal city, Yantai has 702.5 km of coastline, accounting for 22.5km of the whole Shandong Province. The corresponding sea area is 2.6 脳 104hm-2, which is twice as large as the land area.Since the 10th Five-Year Plan, Yantai has accelerated the development of ports, marine transportation, machinery and shipbuilding, fisheries, coastal tourism and marine high-tech industries.Therefore, comprehensively grasp the current situation of Yantai reclamation, quantitatively analyze the dynamic changes of Yantai reclamation, analyze the impact of Yantai reclamation on the surrounding marine environment, and explore the driving force of Yantai reclamation.It is of great practical significance to explore the direction of reasonable exploitation and utilization of Yantai reclamation in the future, which will reduce the negative effects of reclamation activities and realize the sustainable development of Yantai marine economy.In this study, five Landsat-SPOTGF-1GF-2GF-2ZY-3 remote sensing images of 1990, 2003, 2008, 2012 and 2015 were used as data sources. Combined with the information of reclamation in Yantai City, RS and GIS techniques were used to measure the area from time and space.The dynamic characteristics of reclamation in Yantai City during the past 25 years were analyzed quantitatively in three aspects of reclamation types.The results show that the total reclamation area of Yantai continental coast in 1990-2015 is 20045.34 hm ~ 2, in which the reclaimed area is 13283.92 hm ~ 2, and the reclaimed area is 6761.42 mm ~ 2. The reclamation rate of Yantai continental coast first accelerates first and then slows down.The second is 2012-2015 and 2003-2008, the smallest in 1990-2003) in the coastal counties of Yantai, Laizhou City has the highest reclamation intensity; next is Longkou City; Haiyang City, Muping District, Penglai City is the center of reclamation intensity; Yantai urban area, development zone,The intensity of reclamation in Laiyang City is small, the reclamation intensity in Zhaoyuan City is the least, the type of reclamation in Yantai continental coast is mainly salt field, the second is the area that has already been reclaimed, the second is reclamation in cities and towns, and the second is reclamation in port and wharf.Industrial reclamation and fishery infrastructure reclamation area is small.Based on the present situation of reclamation, the impacts of reclamation on marine environment are analyzed from the aspects of coastline, bay, sediment scouring environment and coastal water quality.Based on nature, economy and society, the driving force of Yantai reclamation is analyzed.Finally, some feasible countermeasures and suggestions are put forward for the sustainable development of the reclamation in Yantai City.
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