本文关键词:富营养化水库食物链中汞和脂肪酸的积累模式 出处:《太原理工大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As the most toxic organic mercury compound, methylmercury is easy to transfer, accumulate and biomagnify in the aquatic food chain, resulting in the mercury content in high nutritious organisms exceeds the standard. The study found that the level of reservoir nutrition not only affects the methylation rate of mercury in the water environment, but also affects the accumulation of mercury in the food chain. However, most of the water bodies in China are eutrophication. Therefore, it is very important to explore the accumulation mode of mercury in eutrophication reservoirs and its influencing factors. Essential fatty acids are important components of fatty acids. It is not only a necessary nutrient for human health. Eutrophication caused by eutrophication of the reservoir will inevitably greatly affect the transport and accumulation of essential fatty acids in the food chain. Since fatty acids are conserved after bioabsorption, fatty acids are also used as important biomarkers to trace food sources. The aim of this study was to combine fatty acids with mercury accumulation patterns in the food chain. Explore the effects of eutrophication on mercury and energy transport in the food chain, and combine carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. To explore the accumulation characteristics of fatty acids in aquatic food chain. This study took seven cascaded reservoirs in Wujiang River Basin of Guizhou Province as the research object and divided them into eutrophication reservoirs (Wujiangdu) according to their eutrophication degree. Middle eutrophication reservoirs (Baihua Lake and Hongfeng Lake) and poor and medium nutritious reservoirs (Hongjiadu, Yinzidu, Dongfeng, Suofengying). Water samples, plankton and benthic fish were collected respectively. Carbon and nitrogen isotopes in methylmercury and organisms, fatty acid contents in two reservoirs, Wujiangdu and Hongfeng Lake, were used to study the accumulation patterns of mercury and fatty acids in the food chain of different eutrophication reservoirs. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) there is no significant positive correlation between mercury concentration in water and mercury concentration in fish. There was a negative correlation between chlorophyll a and methylmercury content in food chain, but there was no significant correlation between total nitrogen and total phosphorus content and methylmercury content in food chain. In addition, the length of food chain was different in different reservoirs. The different biotransport rate of mercury in the food chain results in the difference of mercury content in the top food chain and the percentage of methylmercury in the total mercury content. 3) the composition of five essential fatty acids in Wujiangdu and Hongfeng Lake reservoirs is different. The content of n-3 PUFAs in food chain and plankton in Hongfeng Lake was higher than that in Wujiangdu. The reason may be that eutrophication leads to the decrease of n-3PUFAs in aquatic food chain. There was no significant correlation between methylmercury and total fat and essential fatty acids. According to the correlation between methylmercury and different fatty acids, methylmercury in the food chain of Wujiangdu and Hongfeng Lake were derived from bacterial food sources, but had no obvious relationship with algae and terrestrial food sources.
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