重力及张量数据联合反演研究及在Vinton Dome地区的应用
本文关键词: 全张量重力梯度 误差滤除 正演快速算法 深度加权 联合反演 交叉梯度联合反演 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the development of gravity exploration technology, especially the wide application of gravity gradient measurement, gravity data processing and interpretation technology also needs to be improved. The gravity gradient measurement is a relatively new technology, can detect a large amount of information, high accuracy, the advantages of strong anti-interference, widely attention in geophysical exploration. Two order derivative of gravity gradient data of gravity potential, the high frequency signal is low frequency signal and gravity data is complementary, so the joint inversion of gravity and gravity gradient data is of great significance. The five components of the gravity gradient data contains geological anomaly information respectively, combined with different components of gravity gradient distribution of inversion can better response the underground abnormal body. So the study on joint inversion of gravity and gravity tensor data can achieve complementary information, reduce the inversion results of multiple solutions to the first. According to the model, forward the formula to calculate the gravity gradient tensor data, and according to the measured noise characteristics of human with random noise is Gauss white noise, using the Welch power spectral density map of noise after three horizontal components (Vxx1, Vxy1, Vyy1) are analyzed, according to the analysis results of two kinds of low effect pass filter and compare before and after filtering the appropriate Butterworth and Gaussian. In order to choose to participate in the joint inversion of physical quantity, based on gravity and tensor data comparative analysis. Derive the relationship between the gravity gradient tensor in the frequency domain, the results show that the gravity data Vz in the low-frequency part of the energy is higher than the gravity gradient data component Vzz. In the high-frequency energy was lower than the gravity gradient data of Vzz, shows that the deep gravity data Vz can better response, response of shallow gravity gradient Vzz can better use a exception. The amount of data to analyze the correlation between the singular value of each component and combination between components, that in all components of Vzz contains the most abundant information, the Vxy information is the least. The joint inversion has greatly increased the amount of data in which each component of inversion, the sensitivity matrix inversion needs also increases, which requires more computation time and storage space. In order to solve this problem, this paper designed a new method for the fast calculation of sensitivity matrix on the basis of previous studies, reduced memory requirements, shorten the computing time. This paper focuses on the theory of gravity inversion, and establish two models of 3D inversion of gravity and gradient data, in order to offset the "skin effect" on the inversion results, we use two kinds of depth weighting function, and select a better inversion effect. In order to make the inversion results more smooth, the inversion objective function in Join the roughness factor. This paper established two abnormal body model separately and inversion of gravity tensor data. From the point of view: the inversion results can better reflect the deep geological information to Vz and Vzz in the vertical, but the two deep inversion divergence, trailing phenomenon. In the horizontal resolution of Vzz is higher than Vz for the higher, multiple geological body recognition. Gravity gradient tensor components Vxx and Vxz inversion results in the X direction of convergence is good, has the very high recognition ability of geological body to North-South Vyy and Vyz; good convergence in the Y direction, the underground abnormal bodies west boundary recognition ability; corner point the Vxy data contains information of underground abnormal body more. Overall, inversion of gravity and gravity gradient component were basic geological form. Multi-component inversion than single component inversion results have significantly changed, mainly in: Play the density is more close to the real value, enhances the noise immunity, the horizontal and vertical resolution are improved, better convergence, which reflect the geological boundary is more obvious, showing good results. This paper also introduces the cross gradient function of joint inversion of gravity gradient data, and the method for inversion of measured data, salt domes, the inversion results show the superiority and practicability of cross gradient joint inversion.
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