发布时间:2018-03-08 11:33
本文选题:金矿 切入点:石英 出处:《西南科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:某金矿位于川北地区,黄铁矿是主要的载金矿物,与黄铁矿共生的是大量的块状石英及鳞片状绢云母等非金属矿物。目前,石英和绢云母在选金过程中以尾矿的形式排出,未得到有效的开发利用。因此,论文对该地区石英及绢云母矿物资源综合利用进行了研究。先将原矿破碎,使白色石英颗粒与灰黑色绢云母集合体解离开,然后用色选机将颗粒石英分选出,再对颗粒石英进行深加工研究。对筛分出的三个粒级(20~10mm、10~5mm、5~2.5mm)分别进行色选,结果表明:粒度越小,石英精矿的产率和回收率越大,色选出的石英精矿可达到国家标准一等品的质量要求;对石英精矿煅烧水淬后磨矿试验表明:1.0h后-0.0375mm的产率达到88.22%,比未煅烧的石英磨矿效率高;对煅烧水淬球磨后的石英粉用浓度为15%的盐酸酸洗3.0h后,Fe2O3含量由1031.9ppm降低至247ppm;对除铁后的石英粉进行湿法超细加工的结果表明:在矿浆浓度50%,研磨2.0h后,石英粒度由D90=40.08μm下降到D90=9.284μm,满足市场对超细石英粉的粒度要求;用KH-550硅烷偶联剂对超细石英粉进行改性的结果表明:当偶联剂用量为2.0%,温度110℃,改性8.0h时,可获得较好的改性石英粉产品。对从选金尾矿中浮选绢云母的研究结果表明:在矿浆浓度30%、p H=3.0、捕收剂FWY-5用量为400g/t时,可获得回收率为75.60%,品位为71.90%的绢云母粗精矿,通过一粗两精一扫的闭路浮选试验选出的绢云母精矿产品达到行业牌号MCA-1的质量要求;用浓度为20%的盐酸对浮选出的绢云母精矿进行酸洗除铁5.0h后,Fe2O3由8.72%降低到6.62%,白度仅提高4.5%,说明绢云母用酸洗除铁的效果不好;对除铁后的绢云母进行湿法搅拌超细加工试验结果表明:在矿浆浓度50%,研磨2.0h时,粒度由D90=74.85μm下降到D90=19.20μm,满足市场上对超细绢云母粉的粒度要求;用KH-550硅烷偶联剂对绢云母粉进行改性试验结果表明:当偶联剂用量为2.0%,120℃条件处理8.0h时的改性效果较好。并对石英和绢云母与混合捕收剂FWY-5的作用机理、用KH-550偶联剂对石英和绢云母进行改性的机理作了初步的探讨。
[Abstract]:A certain gold deposit is located in the north of Sichuan. Pyrite is the main gold bearing mineral, and there are a large number of massive quartz and scale sericite and other non-metallic minerals associated with pyrite. At present, quartz and sericite are discharged in the form of tailings during the gold separation process. Therefore, the comprehensive utilization of quartz and sericite mineral resources in this area has been studied in this paper. Then the granular quartz is separated out by color separator, and the further processing of granular quartz is carried out. The results show that the smaller the particle size, the greater the yield and recovery rate of quartz concentrate. The quartz concentrate selected by color can meet the quality requirements of the first grade of national standard, and the grinding test of quartz concentrate after calcination and quenching shows that the yield of -0.0375mm after 1.0 h is 88.22, which is higher than that of quartz without calcination. The content of Fe _ 2O _ 3 was reduced from 1031.9ppm to 247ppm for the calcined water quenched quartzite powder after acid pickling with 15% hydrochloric acid for 3.0h. The results of wet ultrafine processing of the quartzite powder after iron removal showed that the concentration of slurry was 50 and the grinding time was 2.0 hours. The particle size of quartz decreased from 40.08 渭 m to 9.284 渭 m, which met the requirement of the market for ultrafine quartz powder. The results of modification of ultrafine quartz powder with KH-550 silane coupling agent showed that when the amount of coupling agent was 2.0, the temperature was 110 鈩,