本文选题:多绳缠绕 + 超深 ; 参考:《郑州大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the national economy has developed rapidly, the comprehensive national strength has been continuously enhanced, and the living standards of the people have been improving day by day, but these have always been inseparable from the support of energy, especially the coal resources. As shallow coal resources have been exhausted in recent years, it has become a national strategy to dig deeper into the earth. In view of this, CITIC heavy Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. has successfully applied for the national "973 Project" project: "Design, manufacture and safe operation of large-scale lifting equipment in ultra-deep wells." The design and research of large lifting equipment for super deep mine (depth > 1200 m) is carried out. This paper analyzes the limitation of traditional hoisting methods (single rope winding and multi-rope friction) and the feasibility of multi-rope winding hoisting in ultra-deep mine hoisting. Through theoretical analysis, the vibration type of multi-rope winding type ultra-deep mine hoisting system is determined as nonlinear vibration with slowly varying parameters, and the simplified mechanical model of multi-rope winding type ultra-deep mine hoisting system is established. Then the mathematical model of dynamic tension and deformation of wire rope is established, and the parameters of the prototype (depth 1500m, maximum lifting speed 18m / s) are determined according to the basic requirements of ultra-deep well hoisting, and the parameters of ultra-deep well hoisting test rig are determined according to the similarity theory. Then according to the test bed parameters and the dynamic tension and deformation mathematical model of the hoisting rope, the dynamic simulation model is established in Matlab-Simulink, and the two processes of lifting and dropping are simulated under the standard working condition, and then the simulation results are analyzed. The changing law of dynamic tension and deformation of wire rope is obtained, and the two parameters of maximum lifting speed and acceleration are optimized by mechanical optimization design. The results show that when the maximum velocity of the test-bed is 2.4 m / s and the acceleration is 0.5m/s2, the objective function is minimum and the vibration is minimal. Finally, the S-shape curve is proposed as the velocity model of the super-deep mine hoisting system. The improvement effect of S-shaped curve on the dynamic performance of mine hoist is verified on a mine hoist in Anhui province.
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