本文选题:滑坡 + 天然气管道 ; 参考:《西南石油大学》2017年硕士论文
[Abstract]:As a common geological hazard in mountainous area of China, landslide has the characteristics of strong destructive, wide range of influence and difficult to prevent. Natural gas pipelines laid in mountainous areas are prone to bend and even fracture due to landslide deformation, which results in serious consequences. Through monitoring and warning of pipeline landslide, mastering landslide and pipeline risk state, taking reasonable disaster prevention and control measures, the possibility of pipeline failure caused by landslide can be effectively reduced. Through studying the law of landslide development and the stress characteristics of pipeline under deformation, a disaster warning system is constructed, and a set of natural gas pipeline landslide disaster monitoring and warning system based on fiber Bragg grating (FBG) is designed. The main research work is as follows: (1) the monitoring, early warning technology and application status of pipeline landslide disaster at home and abroad are investigated. The related monitoring equipment, the adaptability of early warning system and the function of early warning software are studied, and the deficiencies of site monitoring, information transmission and early warning system in the monitoring system of landslide and pipeline are analyzed. (2) the morphological characteristics of landslide and the evolution process of landslide deformation are studied. By using Abaqus finite element software, the deformation characteristics of natural gas pipeline under landslide, the failure reason, the distribution law of main stress concentration region are analyzed, and the criterion of natural gas pipeline failure judgement under landslide action is established. It provides the basis for the selection of monitoring parameters, the selection of equipment and the layout of monitoring points. (3) based on the principle of fiber Bragg grating sensing and its application to the monitoring method of pipeline landslide disaster, a natural gas pipeline landslide monitoring scheme based on fiber Bragg grating sensing is proposed. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) concrete ground beam, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) tube and fiber Bragg grating strain sensor are used to monitor the landslide surface, the deep displacement and the pipeline strain, respectively. In order to clarify the existing strain before pipeline monitoring, a calculation method of pipeline initial strain is put forward. (4) the displacement rate, displacement change trend, displacement form and the influence of rainfall on landslide displacement are analyzed. This paper puts forward the identification method of landslide development stage, combined with the risk under different strain degree of pipe, establishes the early warning matrix which can consider landslide and pipeline risk at the same time, divides the early warning grade according to the risk level, and clarifies the early warning scale of disaster. The multistage early warning system of pipeline landslide disaster is constructed. (5) based on the requirement analysis, function module design, data analysis and early warning model integration of monitoring and early warning software system of upper computer, the monitoring and early warning database of pipeline landslide disaster is established. Using C # programming language to develop the "monitoring and warning software of natural gas pipeline landslide geological hazard", the dynamic monitoring of landslide development and pipeline stress state, the division of early warning interval, the recognition of early warning grade, and the establishment of disaster mitigation measures are realized. Data management and other functions to form a universal monitoring and early warning platform. (6) according to the geological environment and pipeline characteristics of A natural gas pipeline landslide, a specific pipeline landslide disaster monitoring and early warning scheme is designed and the adaptability analysis is carried out. Based on the monitoring data, the characteristics of rainfall in this area and its influence on landslide deformation are analyzed, and the displacement of landslide surface, deep displacement and pipeline strain are determined. By analyzing the safety state of landslide and pipeline, the early warning level is established, and suggestions for disaster prevention and control are put forward.
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