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发布时间:2018-06-26 23:11

  本文选题:铜阳极泥 +  ; 参考:《太原理工大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:铜阳极泥是提取贵金属和稀有金属的主要原料,对其进行高效综合回收利用显得尤为重要。传统火法工艺处理铜阳极泥会导致部分稀贵金属的损失,而且产生有毒气体,污染环境,危害人们身体健康,因此,如何高效无污染处理铜阳极泥成为亟待解决的问题。本文以铜阳极泥为原料,采用盐酸、氯化钠溶液的一种或两种脱除铜阳极泥中铅,并考察脱铅对金提取的影响;通过焦亚硫酸钠、SO2和水合肼复合还原剂还原氯化分金后液,得铂钯精矿,利用控制电位法脱除铂钯精矿中贱金属并提取金,实现了高效无污染的提取阳极泥中金。研究了氯化体系中铅的存在形态,并从理论上分析复合还原氯化分金后液动力学及热力学。采用盐酸体系、氯化钠和盐酸混合体系及氯化钠体系脱除脱铜阳极泥中铅。盐酸体系中,适宜实验条件是盐酸质量浓度为30%,液固比为6:1,反应时间为2 h,反应温度为55℃。氯化钠和盐酸体系中,适宜实验条件是反应温度为55℃,反应时间为30 min,氯化钠用量为200 g/L,液固比为12:1,盐酸质量浓度为12%。氯化钠体系中,适宜实验条件是反应温度为55℃,氯化钠用量为340 g/L,反应时间为30 min,液固比为8:1。对氯化体系中铅的存在形态进行分析,研究表明,三种体系中,可溶性Pb(Ⅱ)均主要以Pb Cl42-络合离子形态存在。脱铜阳极泥在氯化钠体系适宜条件下进行二段脱铅,铅的浸出率为96.90%,渣率为48.40%,脱铅后阳极泥中贵金属得到高度富集,将富集后阳极泥进行氯化分金,金的浸出率为99.80%,未脱铅阳极泥直接进行氯化分金,金的浸出率为95.20%。以沉金后液及氯化分金液的混合溶液为原料,采用焦亚硫酸钠、so2和水合肼复合还原稀贵金属。正交实验得出影响硒碲还原率的大小顺序依次为反应时间、水合肼用量、焦亚硫酸钠用量。还原硒的适宜实验条件是反应时间为4h,焦亚硫酸钠用量为15g/l,水合肼用量为2ml/l,还原te的适宜实验条件是反应时间为4h,焦亚硫酸钠用量为30g/l,水合肼用量为3ml/l,还原渣主要物相成分为单质碲,其形貌为颗粒集聚体。焦亚硫酸钠复合还原硒碲的反应过程符合一级反应动力学规律,硒、碲的表观活化能分别为ese=52.53kj/mol,ete=70.83kj/mol,硒碲还原过程属于化学反应控制,热力学分析表明,混合溶液中金铂钯硒碲分别为aucl4-、ptcl42-、pdcl42-、h2seo3、tecl62-形态存在,焦亚硫酸钠、so2主要以h2so3形态存在,水合肼以n2h5+形态存在。以焦亚硫酸钠复合还原所得还原渣及铂钯精矿的混合渣为原料,研究控制电位法脱除贱金属并提取金的工艺。控制电位氯化除杂的适宜条件是液固比为5:1,电极电位为500mv,反应时间为3h,盐酸摩尔浓度为5mol/l,反应温度为90℃,在该条件下进行铂钯精矿控制电位除杂,碲的脱除率为43.00%,铜的脱除率为82.10%,金、铂、钯不被浸出。经控制电位除杂后的铂钯精矿,通过na2so3浸出除硒,得贵金属高度富集的铂钯精矿。将除杂后的铂钯精矿电极电位控制在900mv下溶解,得含金溶液,通过控制电位法还原金,该工艺适宜的条件是以50g/l的na2s2o5溶液为还原剂,反应时间为2 h,电极电位为600 mV,反应温度为60℃。在该条件下进行放大实验,金的还原率为97.00%,还原渣中金的含量为80.00%,铂钯硒碲铜的含量分别为2.53%、0.05%、0.03%、1.26%、0.06%。
[Abstract]:Copper anode slime is the main raw material for the extraction of precious metals and rare metals. It is very important to carry out efficient and comprehensive recovery and utilization of copper anode. The traditional process of processing copper anode slime by traditional fire process will lead to the loss of some rare precious metals, and produce toxic gases, pollute the environment and harm the health of the people. Therefore, how to treat the copper anode slime with high efficiency and no pollution is made. It is an urgent problem to be solved. In this paper, copper anode slime is used as raw material, one or two kinds of Sodium Chloride Solution are used to remove lead in copper anode slime, and the effect of lead removal on gold extraction is investigated. Platinum palladium concentrate is obtained by reduction of chlorinated gold by sodium pyrosulphate, SO2 and hydrazine compound reductant, and platinum palladium concentrate is removed by control potential method. The medium metal and gold are extracted and gold is extracted from the anode mud with high efficiency and non pollution. The existence form of lead in the chlorination system is studied. The hydrokinetics and thermodynamics after the compound reduction of the chlorinated gold are theoretically analyzed. The hydrochloric acid system, the mixture of sodium chloride and hydrochloric acid and the sodium chloride system are used to remove the lead in the decopper anode mud. The suitable experimental conditions are the mass concentration of hydrochloric acid 30%, the liquid to solid ratio 6:1, the reaction time 2 h and the reaction temperature 55. The suitable experimental conditions are the reaction temperature 55, the reaction time 30 min, the dosage of sodium chloride 200 g/L, the liquid to solid ratio 12: 1, the mass concentration of hydrochloric acid in the 12%. NaCl system. The condition is that the reaction temperature is 55 C, the dosage of sodium chloride is 340 g/L, the reaction time is 30 min, the liquid solid ratio is 8:1., the existence form of lead in the chlorination system is analyzed. The study shows that in the three systems, the soluble Pb (II) is mainly in the form of Pb Cl42- complex ions. The decopper anode slime is delead two segments under the suitable condition of the sodium chloride system. The leaching rate of lead is 96.90% and the slag rate is 48.40%. The high concentration of precious metals in the anode mud after lead removal is highly enriched, and the anode mud is enriched after enrichment. The leaching rate of gold is 99.80%, and the leaching rate of the anode slime is not directly chlorinated. The leaching rate of gold is 95.20%., and the mixed solution of gold after sinking gold and chlorinated gold is used as the raw material, and Jiao Yaliu is used as the raw material. Sodium acid, SO2 and hydrazine are combined to restore rare precious metals. The orthogonal experiment shows that the order of reducing the reduction rate of selenium and tellurium is the reaction time, the dosage of hydrazine hydrate and the dosage of sodium pyrosulfite. The suitable experimental conditions for the reduction of selenium are the reaction time is 4h, the dosage of sodium hyalurite is 15g/l, the dosage of hydrazine is 2ml/l, and the suitable experimental condition for reducing te is the reduction of selenium. The reaction time is 4h, the dosage of sodium pyrosulfite is 30g/l, the dosage of hydrazine hydrate is 3ml/l, the main substance of the reducing slag is divided into single tellurium, and its morphology is particle agglomeration. The reaction process of reducing selenium and tellurium with sodium pyrosulfite conforms to the first order reaction kinetics law. The apparent activation energy of selenium and tellurium is ese=52.53kj/mol, ete=70.83kj/mol, and selenium tellurium, respectively. The original process belongs to chemical reaction control. The thermodynamic analysis shows that the gold, platinum, palladium, selenium and Tellurium in the mixed solution are aucl4-, ptcl42-, pdcl42-, h2seo3, tecl62-, and SO2 mainly exist in H2SO3 form, hydrazine hydrate is in the form of n2h5+, and the mixture residue of the reduction residue and platinum palladium concentrate from the compound reduction of sodium pyrosulfite is the original. The control potential method for removing the base metal and extracting gold is studied. The suitable conditions for controlling the removal of impurity are that the liquid to solid ratio is 5:1, the electrode potential is 500mv, the reaction time is 3h, the molar concentration of hydrochloric acid is 5mol/l, the reaction temperature is 90 C. Under this condition, the control potential removal of the platinum palladium concentrate, the removal rate of tellurium is 43%, and the copper is removed. The rate is 82.10%, gold, platinum, palladium is not leached. Platinum palladium concentrate with high concentration of precious metals is obtained by Na2SO3 leaching by controlling the removal of platinum and palladium concentrate after controlled potential removal. The electrode potential of platinum palladium concentrates after impurity removal is dissolved under 900mv, and gold containing solution is obtained by controlling potential method. The suitable condition of this process is Na2S2O5 of 50g/l. The solution is a reductant, the reaction time is 2 h, the electrode potential is 600 mV, and the reaction temperature is 60. Under this condition, the reduction rate of gold is 97%, the gold content in the reduced slag is 80%, the content of platinum, palladium, selenium and tellurium copper is 2.53%, 0.05%, 0.03%, 1.26%, 0.06, respectively.


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