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发布时间:2018-08-14 16:23
【摘要】:泥浆泵是石油钻井机组的重要核心,有着输送介质广、排压高、效率高等特点。在石油钻探作业中,随着钻井深度的不断加深,泥浆泵也不断朝着大缸径、大功率、长冲程和高泵压等方向去研究发展。泥浆泵作为石油生产的重要装备,其性能的好坏对石油产量有着重要作用,所以提高国产五缸泥浆泵的研发设计水平,增加设备的性能和质量有着重要意义。而曲轴又是泥浆泵动力端曲轴系中最关键部位,它的结构和疲劳强度直接影响到泥浆泵的可靠性与使用寿命以及生产的安全性。泥浆泵工作时曲轴受到循环且强烈的交变载荷,容易产生应力集中现象从而发生疲劳破坏,造成生产安全事故和大量经济损失。所以采用AMESim与LMS virtual.Lab Motion联合仿真对泥浆泵进行仿真分析,得到曲轴所受应力分布,然后对其进行改进降低其所受的最大应力,提高曲轴的使用寿命及安全性。本文以一种大功率大排量的五缸单作用泥浆泵作为研究对象,通过机械系统的运动及动力学原理、计算机编程技术和联合仿真技术对泥浆泵进行深入的研究和分析。具体研究内容和研究成果包括以下的几个方面。(1)首先,确定五缸泥浆泵的总体方案,在Creo软件中运用自顶向下设计方法建立其顶层骨架模型,最后建立起五缸泥浆泵的整体模型。在Mathcad中进行五缸泥浆泵参数的设计,然后再利用Mathcad与Creo软件两者之间的无缝连接实现泥浆泵参数的设计与传递。(2)进行了五缸泥浆泵的基础理论分析,分析了泥浆泵工作时所受的内外力以及动力端的运动学和动力学分析,为联合仿真奠定理论基础。(3)在AMESim中建立泥浆泵曲轴系、液缸、阀门等零部件的仿真模型,并组合搭建成泥浆泵系统的1D模型。仿真分析得出缸内活塞所受液体压力和泥浆泵工作时的流量和压力的波动特性,并与理论计算进行对比,验证在AMESim中构建的泥浆泵模型的准确性。(4)基于LMS Virtual.Lab Motion和AMESim联合仿真的方法,对曲轴柔性化后的泥浆泵进行刚柔耦合运动学和动力学仿真,得到各构件的运动学特性和活塞运动特性、曲轴曲柄梢、主轴颈等主要动态作用力的变化规律以及曲轴所受应力的分布情况。(5)根据曲轴所受应力的分布情况,使其过渡圆角改进为阶梯形圆角来降低曲柄销圆角应力。然后基于响应面法RSW(Response Surface Methodology)建立以曲柄梢圆角所受应力最小为优化目标,R1、R2、H为设计因子的优化模型。分析改进后的模型,通过对比得出改进后的阶梯形圆角比普通圆角所受应力降低了 20.64%。
[Abstract]:Mud pump is an important core of oil drilling unit. It has the characteristics of wide medium, high pressure and high efficiency. In oil drilling, with the deepening of drilling depth, mud pump is developing towards the direction of large cylinder diameter, high power, long stroke and high pump pressure. Mud pump is an important equipment in petroleum production, its performance plays an important role in oil production, so it is of great significance to improve the R & D and design level of domestic five-cylinder mud pump and to increase the performance and quality of equipment. The crankshaft is the most important part of the crankshaft system at the power end of the mud pump. Its structure and fatigue strength directly affect the reliability and service life of the mud pump and the safety of production. The crankshaft is subjected to cyclic and strong alternating load when the mud pump is working, so it is easy to produce the phenomenon of stress concentration, which will lead to fatigue damage, which will result in safety accidents and a large amount of economic losses. Therefore, the mud pump is simulated by AMESim and LMS virtual.Lab Motion, and the stress distribution of the crankshaft is obtained. Then, the maximum stress of the crankshaft is improved to increase the service life and safety of the crankshaft. In this paper, a five-cylinder single-acting mud pump with high power and large displacement is taken as the research object. Through the principle of motion and dynamics of mechanical system, computer programming technology and combined simulation technology, the mud pump is deeply studied and analyzed. The specific research contents and research results include the following aspects. (1) first of all, the overall scheme of five-cylinder mud pump is determined, and the top-down design method is used to establish the top-level skeleton model in Creo software. Finally, the integral model of five-cylinder mud pump is established. The parameters of the five-cylinder mud pump are designed in Mathcad, and then the parameters of the five-cylinder mud pump are designed and transmitted by using the seamless connection between Mathcad and Creo software. (2) the basic theory analysis of the five-cylinder mud pump is carried out. The internal and external forces of mud pump and the kinematics and dynamics of dynamic end are analyzed. (3) the simulation model of crankshaft system, cylinder and valve of mud pump is established in AMESim. The 1D model of mud pump system is built. The flow and pressure fluctuation characteristics of the piston in the cylinder and the flow rate and pressure of the slurry pump are obtained by simulation analysis, and compared with the theoretical calculation. The accuracy of the mud pump model constructed in AMESim is verified. (4) based on the combined simulation of LMS Virtual.Lab Motion and AMESim, the rigid-flexible coupling kinematics and dynamics simulation of the flexible crankshaft mud pump is carried out. The kinematics characteristics and piston motion characteristics of each component, the variation law of main dynamic forces such as crankshaft tip and spindle neck, and the distribution of crankshaft stress are obtained. (5) according to the distribution of crankshaft stress, To reduce the stress of crank pin, the transition angle is improved to step round corner. Then, based on the response surface method (RSW (Response Surface Methodology), an optimization model with the minimum stress at the crank tip as the optimization target, R1 and R2H as the design factor, is established. By analyzing the improved model, it is concluded that the stress of the improved step corner is reduced by 20.64% than that of the ordinary circular angle.


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