[Abstract]:In this paper, some recent advances in the research of stimulus-responsive organic gels in China and the research work of our team on ionic stimulation-responsive supramolecular organic gels are summarized. Several series of supramolecular organic gel factors based on long alkoxy chain and aroylhydrazone were designed and synthesized. The design ideas of these gel factors are that the strong van der Waals force between long alkyl chains, 蟺-蟺 stacking between aromatic rings and multiple hydrogen bonds between amides are introduced simultaneously into the gel factors. Therefore, a gel factor with multiple self-assembly driving forces is obtained, which has stronger self-assembly ability than that with a single self-assembly driving force. In addition, in order to achieve the specific selective stimuli response to certain anions, when we introduce self-assembly sites, we can selectively introduce naphthalene ring, aryl hydrazone and so on, which can be used as hydrogen bond self-assembly sites. It can also be used as the functional group of ion binding sites. In order to realize specific fluorescence recognition of anions, conjugated fluorescent groups such as naphthalene, hydroxy naphthalene and nitrobenzene were introduced. More importantly, in the same supramolecular gel system, two different metal ions and gel factors and anion competitive coordination are introduced to control the fluorescence signals and guest recognition properties of stimulus-responsive supramolecular gels. In order to achieve a selective fluorescence response to specific ions, we provide a 'competitive coordination controlled condensed matter fluorescence model' to guide the novel design of a supermolecular chemosensor based on gel state. Therefore, we report a smart design method for stimulus-responsive supramolecular gels based on bimetallic competitive coordination control anions. In order to prove this method, the gel factor G1 based on multiple self-assembly driving force is synthesized. Coordination of Gel Factor G1 with Ca2 to form a Metal Gel CaG1. with strong fluorescence in Condensed matter After the addition of Cu2 to CaG1, the metal gels of CaCuG1 were formed, and the condensed matter fluorescence of CaG was quenched. CaCuG1 coordinated with Cu2 by CN- and Cu2, and Ca2 again coordinated with G1 to detect CN-. selectively. Therefore, CaCuG can be used as a detection component for CN- and as a security display material for repeatable writing. This method provides a broad idea for the design of novel stimuli-responsive supramolecular gels. In the same way, CaFeG1 bimetallic gels were prepared by introducing Ca2 and Fe3 into the same supramolecular gel system. CaFe G1 can recognize H _ 2PO _ 4- by competitive coordination of Ca2 and Fe3 with G _ 1 and H _ 2PO _ 4-. Therefore, CaFeG1 can be used not only for H _ 2PO _ 4-detection components, but also for erasable and safe display materials. In addition, we only introduce one kind of metal ions to prepare metal gel to control the response of ion stimulation. To prove this method, we have designed and synthesized the metal gel Fe G2, which is formed by the coordination of G2G 2 and Fe3, which can detect CN-. by fluorescence.
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