[Abstract]:In recent years, biologically targeted drug therapy has attracted more and more attention in cancer treatment system. It mainly uses the target transport function of nanomaterials to transport drugs to the foci, which can not only improve the therapeutic effect but also reduce the toxic effect of drugs on human body. It was found that pathological tissue cells and normal tissue cells survived in different physiological environments, mainly due to their different pH values in microenvironment. Therefore, the use of pH responsiveness drug delivery has gradually become the focus of research. In this paper, the magnetic silica with good biological affinity was used as the matrix material to prepare nano-drug carriers with good dispersion and uniform particle size of solid type and mesoporous pH response, respectively. The drug loading properties of the two systems were studied and analyzed. The main contents are as follows: 1. Fe_3O_4 magnetic nanoparticles with different functional groups were prepared by hydrothermal method and co-precipitation method respectively. The nanoparticles prepared by hydrothermal method have good dispersion and good hydrophilicity. The dispersion of nanoparticles prepared by coprecipitation method is relatively poor, showing a good lipophilicity. All nanoparticles have appropriate particle size and good magnetic response. The oil Fe_3O_4 magnetic nanoparticles with small particle size are considered as the subsequent reaction magnetic nuclei. 2. 2. Silica coated Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles (Fe_3O_4@SiO_2) were prepared by microemulsion method. Through the modification of silane coupling agent and a series of organic reactions, a large number of hydrazide bonds were found on the surface of the composite particles, which could form a Hydrazone bond sensitive to pH with the drug. The magnetic nanoparticles prepared by this method have a good magnetic response and low cytotoxicity, and can be used as a suitable drug carrier for targeting. Fe_3O_4 magnetic mesoporous nanomaterials (Fe3O4@mSiO_2) coated with mesoporous silica were prepared by microemulsion method. Then the surface of the mesoporous material was coated with Boehmite (AlOOH), by in situ growth and ammonium nitrate was used as precipitant to form pH sensitive bimetallic hydroxide (LDH). On the surface of mesoporous materials. The prepared drug carrier system has a particle size of about 100 nm, and has good magnetic response and low cytotoxicity, and can also be used as a suitable drug carrier. 4. Doxorubicin was loaded on the carrier by forming Hydrazone bond with the carrier. Methotrexate was stored in the pore of silica and in the lamellar of LDH through molecular movement and ion exchange to form a pH sensitive magnetic targeting drug system. The experimental results showed that both of the two drug loading systems could load appropriate amount of anticancer drugs, and at the same time showed good pH sensitivity and magnetic targeting, which could effectively kill tumor cells and achieve the effect of cancer treatment.
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