[Abstract]:Lysine acylation of protein is an important mechanism that widely exists in organisms and regulates various cellular physiological processes. There are two types of acylation modification in vivo: acylation based on acyltransferase and non-enzymatic-catalyzed acylation. Recent studies have shown that protein lysine acylation plays an important role in responding to nutrient metabolism, regulating protein function and affecting metabolic enzyme activity. In order to understand the difference of acylation modification of two proteins and its effect on the metabolism of acetic acid and propionic acid, In this paper, the following two aspects have been done: (1) the comparative study of acetic acid metabolism and two acylation (non-enzymatic catalysis and enzymatic catalysis) modification. Acetyl coenzyme A synthase (Acetyl-CoAsynthase,AcsA,EC: is a key enzyme in acetic acid metabolism. It has been shown that the activity of AcsA is regulated by acylation modification. In this paper, two kinds of acylation modifications regulating AcsA were studied, and the posttranslational modification system for regulating the function of AcsA was described. It was found that the acylation modification was time-and concentration-dependent, and the dynamic changes and priorities of acylation sites were described. The differences between two kinds of acylation modification methods are revealed and our understanding of acylation modification mechanism is expanded. It provides a new intervention node for the subsequent modification based on acylation modification. (2) the effect of acylation of glycosylated erythromycete propionyl CoA synthase on the yield of erythromycin. Propionyl-Coenzyme (Propionyl-Coenzyme) Pr-CoA is an acylated donor and precursor of erythromycin synthesis. In this paper, the key enzyme propionyl CoA synthase (Propionyl-CoA synthase,PrpE,) was induced by propionic acid. The transcriptional level and posttranslational modification level of EC: were studied. It was found that propionylation modification in glycosporycoryces could regulate PrpE and express SACE_1780, in vivo through acylation level. The Erythromycin yield of Erythromycetes increased to 140%. This study not only improved acylation of actinomycetes protein, but also established a strategy to intervene erythromycin synthesis by acylation modification.
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