[Abstract]:With the development of social economy, people are pursuing the improvement of material life level and the spiritual life level, which promotes the vigorous development of amusement facilities industry. At present, there are many amusement theme parks in China, among which flying saucer is one of the most popular entertainment projects. The driving shaft is an important component of torque transfer in flying saucer operation. Due to the complexity of flying saucer operation, it is sometimes in full load, sometimes in partial load, and the speed from the highest point to the lowest point of orbit is often more than 30 km / h. The drive shaft not only bears the weight of the flying saucer itself, but also bears a huge centrifugal force in operation. If it breaks in operation, the consequences will be unthinkable. Therefore, the fatigue life analysis of flying saucer driving shaft is one of the necessary links in the design and manufacture of modern amusement equipment. In order to improve the safety of the whole structure and the reliability of the driving shaft, a flying saucer structure with the function of driving and reducing vibration is proposed and designed. It includes body frame, motor damping frame, rotary frame, guide structure and running track. The optimized structure can not only meet the safety requirements such as anti-derailment, anti-overturning, and location-limiting, but also reduce the impact on the main load-bearing members under the action of the buffer structure. According to GB8408-2008, the kinematics theory, starting moment theory and driving shaft working condition of the design structure are analyzed. In view of the hidden trouble of equipment accident caused by the fatigue failure of driving shaft during operation, the fatigue simulation of driving shaft of flying saucer amusement equipment was carried out by using finite element theory and NCODE software. Firstly, the amusement equipment is simplified and modeled according to the working conditions of the equipment, then the dynamics analysis is carried out by using ADAMS finite element analysis software, and the topological configuration of the multi-body system is proposed, and the load time history of the drive shaft is obtained. The fatigue life of the drive shaft is analyzed by using NCODE software. The fatigue result cloud diagram and fatigue life of each node are obtained, and the position and life of the drive shaft are found. The method of increasing the service life of drive shaft is put forward.
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