本文关键词: 雾霾 经济发展 损失 VAR模型 博弈论 协同防治政策 出处:《中国科学技术大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:随着中国经济的高速发展,雾霾等环境问题凸显,雾霾造成的损失和雾霾的防治已成为近年来国内的热点问题。本文以雾霾造成的损失和防治雾霾的政策为研究主题,在环境经济学、计量经济学、博弈论、协同管理等理论和方法的框架下,对雾霾与经济发展的关系问题、雾霾防治过程中的困境、雾霾防治政策体系等内容展开深入研究。研究内容包括:一是整理雾霾研究的相关文献,总结雾霾问题研究的思路和经验,为雾霾研究提供理论依据;二是搜集整理雾霾引起的损失和危害数据,以安徽省的雾霾情况为代表,分析雾霾现状,为研究提供数据支撑;三是用数量方法分析雾霾与经济发展的关系问题;四是用博弈论方法分析雾霾防治过程中的各方困境;最后,提出一类雾霾治理的对策建议。本文的创新点主要体现在以下三个方面:第一,在对现有数据分析的基础上,运用计量经济学方法研究了雾霾与经济发展之间的关系,定量测算了雾霾引起的经济损失。现有文献对雾霾的研究主要侧重雾霾的监测和雾霾造成的某一类危害,而本文则创新地选取了 2002年以来的雾霾污染物数据和经济指标,创新地采用VAR模型研究了雾霾污染物指标与经济发展指标之间的量化关系问题,并且创新地采用估值方法,测算了雾霾引起的四大类损失的计量值。第二,运用博弈论方法研究了雾霾防治过程中多方博弈问题,分析了雾霾防治的难点,提出了相应的解决途径。现有文献中,博弈论主要被用于分析企业经营决策,本文创新地运用博弈论分析雾霾防治过程中,政府、企业、公众等宏观主体间博弈,微观个体与群体间博弈,中央政府与地方政府间博弈,地方政府之间博弈,企业与公众舆情博弈等五类博弈问题,得出了较为新颖的结论。第三,基于多元协作视角,提出了一类雾霾治理模式,为雾霾防治提供了有一定参考价值的对策建议。现有政策在防治雾霾上,主要依靠大气环境保护的法律法规规定,本文提出综合运用法律、经济、行政等多方面政策手段,防治雾霾,达到协同治理的效果。本文提出的解决产能过剩、推动官员适度有为、改进绿色投融资机制等对策建议,既结合当前政策热点,又为防治雾霾提供了新的思路和新的路径。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's economy, environmental problems such as haze are highlighted. The loss caused by haze and the prevention and cure of haze have become a hot issue in recent years. This paper focuses on the loss caused by haze and the policy of preventing and curing haze in environmental economics econometrics and game theory. Under the framework of cooperative management and other theories and methods, the relationship between haze and economic development, and the dilemma in the process of haze prevention and cure are discussed. The contents of this study are as follows: first, collate the relevant documents of haze research, summarize the ideas and experiences of haze research, and provide the theoretical basis for haze research; The second is to collect and collate the loss and harm data caused by haze, taking the haze situation of Anhui Province as the representative, to analyze the status quo of haze, and to provide data support for the research; The third is to analyze the relationship between haze and economic development by quantitative method. The fourth is to use game theory method to analyze the difficulties of all sides in the process of smog prevention and control. Finally, this paper puts forward a class of haze governance countermeasures. The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: first, on the basis of the existing data analysis. The relationship between haze and economic development is studied by means of econometrics. The economic loss caused by haze is calculated quantitatively. The existing research on haze mainly focuses on the monitoring of haze and a certain kind of harm caused by haze. In this paper, the haze pollutant data and economic index since 2002 are selected, and the quantitative relationship between haze pollutant index and economic development index is studied by using VAR model. And innovatively use the valuation method to calculate the four kinds of loss caused by haze. Second, using game theory to study the multi-game problem in the process of haze prevention and control, and analyze the difficulties of haze prevention and cure. In the existing literature, game theory is mainly used to analyze the business decisions of enterprises. This paper innovatively uses game theory to analyze the process of haze prevention and control, government, enterprises. There are five kinds of game problems, such as the game between the public and the macro subjects, the game between the micro individual and the group, the game between the central government and the local government, the game between the local government and the game between the enterprise and the public opinion. A novel conclusion is drawn. Thirdly, based on the view of multiple collaboration, a kind of haze governance model is proposed, which provides some valuable countermeasures for haze prevention and control. The existing policies are in the prevention and control of haze. Mainly relying on the laws and regulations of atmospheric environmental protection, this paper puts forward the comprehensive use of legal, economic, administrative and other policy means to prevent and control haze to achieve the effect of coordinated management. Some countermeasures and suggestions, such as promoting officials moderately and improving the mechanism of green investment and financing, not only combine the current policy hot spots, but also provide new ideas and new paths for the prevention and control of haze.
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