本文关键词: 建筑物下采煤 部分充填 覆岩隔离注浆充填 注浆充填压实区 关键层 绿色开采 出处:《中国矿业大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Separated grouting filling of overburden is an effective method of building (building) coal compaction. Its principle is to compress the broken rock mass in goaf and form compaction area by high pressure grouting filling the separated zone of overburden rock. The separated coal pillar between compaction area and working face controls the deformation and fracture of the key strata of overburden rock. Therefore, forming compaction area in goaf is the key to the success of the technology. However, the mechanism of forming compaction zone has not been deeply studied. It includes the mechanics mechanism of compaction area formed under grouting filling pressure, the dynamic process of compaction area formation, and the influencing factors of compaction area formation. Physical simulation and numerical simulation have been carried out to study the formation mechanism of overburden isolated grouting filling compaction area. The main research results and conclusions are as follows. The mechanical model of overburden isolated grouting filling compaction area is established. The reliability of the model is verified by engineering measurement and physical simulation. Based on the model, the formula for calculating the additional stress that the grouting filling pressure is transferred down to the goaf is given. The stress and compression of goaf are further derived by grouting and filling additional stress. The compaction degree and the width of compaction zone are calculated. Thus, it is theoretically proved that the compaction zone can be formed in goaf by separated grouting filling of overburden. Based on the four-stage characteristics of grouting filling pressure, the formation of compaction zone is revealed. The dynamic process of. It lays a foundation for the matching design of injection-production ratio under different propulsive distance. The grouting filling pressure is divided into zero pressure / depressurization stage, supercharging stage, steady pressure stage and overpressure stage. The compaction process of goaf in each stage and the relation between the compaction process of goaf and the advance of face and the ratio of injection to production are clarified. The grouting pressure entering the stage of supercharging begins to produce the compression effect on the goaf. The compaction degree and the compaction area width of goaf are increasing with the advance of the working face, and the steady pressure stage is the key stage of the formation of the goaf compression and compaction zone. The degree of compaction and the width of the compacted area are further increased in the stage of overpressure, which reveals the influence of the main geological mining and grouting filling factors on the formation of the compaction area. It lays a foundation for optimizing grouting filling design. The increase of grouting pressure and face width is beneficial to the formation of compaction area. However, the increase of the intensity and thickness of the isolation layer (grouting layer) is not conducive to the formation of the compaction zone. The influence of buried depth, caving ratio and rock strength of caving zone on the formation of compaction zone is relatively small, based on the law of the influence of surface width on the formation of compaction zone. The method of determining the minimum face width in favor of forming compaction area is given. The research results guide the mining test of coal mining in 7223 coal face of No. 7223 coal face of Yuandian No. 2 Coal Mine, Huaibei. The compaction area is established by using the established compaction area. The mechanical model predicts the compaction of goaf. The results show that the working face has the condition of forming compaction area, and then according to the dynamic process of forming compaction area, the matching scheme of injection-production ratio under different propulsive distance is given. According to this scheme, the coal mining is realized successfully after grouting filling.
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