[Abstract]:The site radiation calibration of manual mode is restricted by weather, funds, manpower and time, and the calibration frequency is limited. With the increase of the number and kinds of remote sensing satellites and the comprehensive application of multi-platform remote sensing data, the traditional calibration method is difficult to meet the needs of remote sensing applications. In order to achieve the high frequency sub-scaling of the satellite remote sensor under the premise of guaranteeing the calibration precision, this paper establishes the automatic radiometric Calibration in Teat-site (ARCT) technology flow and the automatic calibration software and hardware platform, and carries out the radiation calibration test to MODIS (MODIFY-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer). The main research work of this paper includes the following aspects: the establishment of the basic technical process of the field automatic calibration method. According to the historical remote sensing data, the characteristics of the surface reflection of the radiation calibration field are analyzed, and the automatic calibration method of the site is determined. According to the characteristic that the surface reflectivity curve of the radiation calibration field approximates the up-and-down translation in a small range at the time of time, the change of the surface reflectivity is monitored by the multi-channel field radiometer, and real-time high-spectrum surface reflectivity is obtained by translating the reference curve. atmospheric parameters are obtained by means of a solar radiometer. Based on the radiation transmission model, the TOA (top-of-atom) radiance at the entrance pupil of the satellite remote sensor is acquired, and the radiation calibration of the over-top load is realized. Automated Test-site Radiometer (ATR) and High Precision Solar Radiometer (NOAA) are developed for the observation of surface and atmospheric parameters, respectively. In order to ensure the stability and reliability of observation data, temperature-sensitive mechanical device temperature control such as light source, filter and detector is controlled. In order to facilitate the acquisition of data, the wireless long-distance transmission of data is realized by using the Beidou short message. The calibration coefficient of ATR is not more than 2.5% by using the "Standard lamp + reference plate" scaling system, and the optical performance of ATR has higher stability. At the same time, ATR site scaling is carried out by the uniform radiance field formed on the reference plate by the sun, and the advantage of this method lies in that the spectral shape is close to the amplitude value at the time of calibration and use, and the uncertainty of the introduction of the spectral shape difference is avoided. By using the Langley scaling method and the main instrument transfer calibration method, the absolute radiation calibration was carried out. The deviation of the calibration results was better than that of 0. 9%. Compared with CE318, the obtained aerosol optical thickness deviation is not greater than 0.02, which indicates that the measuring accuracy is higher than that of CE318. Automated scaling software has been developed to automate the acquisition of data from data to the full link of radiation calibration. The software directly outputs the high spectral TOA radiance according to the measured data, and the radiation calibration of any overtop remote sensing device can be realized. The field automatic radiation calibration test was carried out on MODIS. The calibration results show that ARTC can achieve the equivalent accuracy of artificial target, the mean value of the relative deviation between the TOA radiance and MODIS/ Aqua observed by ARCT is within 3. 7%, and the mean value of relative deviation from MODIS/ T10A is within 5. 2%. In 2016, a continuous four-month field automatic calibration is carried out for MODIS. wherein the effective scaling times are 10 times, and the scaling frequency of the current one time is increased to 2 to 3 times per month. In this paper, a field automatic calibration system is established in China, which realizes the long-term automatic acquisition of surface radiation and atmospheric parameters of Dunhuang radiation correction field and the automatic calibration of long sequence of remote sensors. The research results show that the field automatic calibration technology can significantly improve the calibration frequency on the premise of guaranteeing the calibration precision, reduce the scaling cost, improve the calibration efficiency and have important application value.
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