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发布时间:2018-11-25 15:18
[Abstract]:At present, the Lanzhou heavy Ion Research Facility (HIRFL) is composed of SFC (Fan focusing Cyclotron,), SSC (separated Fan Cyclotron,), CSRm (cooling Storage Ring main Accelerator) and CSRe (cooling Storage Ring Experimental platform). SFC as the only injector can not guarantee the supply of SSC and CSRm at the same time. In order to improve the efficiency of the whole HIRFL, the Institute of Modern Physics specially designed a CW running heavy ion linear injector for SSC, which can provide the SSC with energy of 0.58MeV/u or 1.025 MeV / u. A continuous heavy ion beam with a mass charge ratio of 3 to 7. It consists of one ECR ion source, one RFQ and four IH-DTL. Starting from the dynamic optimization design, this paper discusses and analyzes the high-frequency simulation design of SSC linear injector IH-DTL1, the measurement of high-frequency cavity, the design of power coupler, the high-power training and beam debugging. At the same time, the PIC particle tracking simulation related to beam dynamics runs through the whole thesis. The problems found in the measurement of IH-DTL1 cavity and power training are analyzed and solved, and the design of IH-DTL2 is optimized. The effectiveness of the dynamic design is verified by the beam experiments of SSC linear injector RFQ and IH-DTL1. Through the dynamic simulation analysis of SSC linear injector IH-DTL1, it is found that the energy can be continuously adjustable in a certain range under the premise of ensuring the beam quality, and it is verified by a preliminary beam experiment. In addition, the beam dynamics of IH-DTL3,4 is studied to combine it into an improved scheme of accelerating cavity, which makes the whole SSC linear injector more compact. Based on the experience of designing and debugging the linear injector in SSC, the Institute of Modern Physics has proposed an upgrade project of the injector for the medical heavy ion device HIMM, that is, the compact linear injector is used instead of the original cyclotron. The linear injector can greatly improve the current intensity and beam quality of the synchronous ring injection beam. In this paper, the DTL dynamic design of the main acceleration section is carried out according to the beam requirement of the HIMM linear injector. The KONUS beam dynamics scheme is adopted to make the acceleration gradient very high, so that the whole DTL can be realized by an independent IH cavity. By optimizing the accelerating structure, the beam emittance increase in the DTL is limited to 10%, and the error tolerance is strong enough. According to the results of dynamic design, the cavity high frequency design is carried out. The electric field distribution of IH-DTL, tuner tuning ability and the optimum selection of coupler are analyzed and discussed. Finally, the structure of cavity is determined. Finally, the beam dynamics of the DTL segment of the HIMM linear injector is simulated based on the electric field distribution of the cavity obtained by the high-frequency design, which increases the reliability of the design. Through the design and research of the SSC linear injector and the HIMM linear injector, rich experience has been accumulated for the design and operation of the near-object normal temperature linear accelerator.


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