[Abstract]:Gelatin is one of the most outstanding functional properties of the soybean protein, which is the function of the food system's contribution to elasticity, hardness, water-holding property and flavor component retention. At present, the gel-type soybean protein is widely used in the products such as meat products, bean curd, minced fish products and the like. To understand the gel structure, to understand the relationship between the structure and properties of the gel, the development and application of the gel-type soybean protein product are both theoretical and practical. Based on the determination of the composition of the network protein and the non-network protein in the soybean protein gel, the gel network structure was characterized by studying the diffusion behavior of the non-network component and the properties of the texture, the rheological and the microstructure of the gel, and the composition of the protein was also determined. The change of the interaction force between the concentration of the network protein and the network protein reveals the cause of the change of the gel network structure. First, the non-network protein and the network protein in the gel were separated by the diffusion method, and the composition and the existing form of the two kinds of proteins were analyzed by different electrophoretic techniques. The non-network protein in the soy protein gel, which was formed by heating for 30 min at a concentration of 0.1 mol/ L and at 95.degree. C. with an 18% (w/ v) protein solution, was represented by a peptide chain of 11S and a chymotrypsin inhibitor (BBI), in addition to a small amount of 7S-1. ', sub-subunit. in which the B-chain is present in the form of AB and A5B3; in addition to these two forms, the peptide chain also contains the form of monomers, dimers, trimers, and polymers; and the BBI is present in the form of a monomer. In order to study the network protein composition, the network protein in three kinds of protein gel was analyzed in the paper. Of which, 7S-1, 1' the subunits are involved in the gel network structure by forming aggregates and multimers; the 7s-subunits are in the form of aggregates that are involved in the gel network structure, The 11SB peptide chain may be incorporated into the gel network in the form of monomers, dimers, polymers, aggregates, and the like. On this basis, the relationship between the non-network protein's diffusion behavior and the change of the gel structure was studied, and the reason of the change of the gel network structure was revealed by analyzing the composition and the content of the non-network protein and the network protein. The analysis of exclusion chromatography showed that the non-network protein was composed of three parts, and the relative molecular weight was 253.9, 42.8 and 9.7kDa, respectively. The diffusion of the three components in the initial stage was in accordance with the Fick's second law. The increase in protein concentration or prolonged heating time during the preparation of the gel may result in a decrease in the non-network protein diffusion coefficient. The relationship between the diffusion coefficient and the relative molecular mass is a power-order function, wherein the value of the characteristic index factor is increased with the increase of the concentration of the protein, the heating time is prolonged, and the gel network structure tends to be compact. The results of the analysis of electrophoresis and protein concentration show that the degree of denaturation of 11S protein and the increase of the content of the network protein are the cause of the dense structure of the gel network. The effect of the ratio of 7S/ 11S and the salt concentration on the structure of the gel was further investigated by the study of the diffusion of the exogenous molecular probe, and the results of the diffusion experiment were verified by the scanning electron microscope. In the protein gel prepared under the same condition, the greater the relative molecular mass of the probe and the smaller the diffusion coefficient of the relative molecular mass of the probe, the greater the relative molecular mass of the probe in different protein gels, the more sensitive the diffusion of the probe to the gel network structure. the diffusion coefficient of the probe in the gel is increased with the increase of the concentration of the salt ions or the 11S ratio in the total protein; the scanning electron microscope data show that as the concentration of the salt or the 11S ratio increases, the pore of the gel network structure becomes large, the distribution of the protein aggregates is not uniform, resulting in an easy diffusion of the probe in the network structure. The type and size of the intermolecular force in the gel network protein were characterized by measuring the dissolution rate of the gel in the SDS solution or SDS and the DTT mixed solution, and compared with the determination result of the gel breaking force. The results showed that both the hydrophobic, hydrogen bond interaction and the disulfide bond were involved in the formation of the network structure of the soybean protein gel; the change of the strength of the acting force was positively related to the change of the gel breaking force. As the 11S ratio in the total protein is increased or the heating temperature is increased, the hydrophobic, hydrogen bond interaction and the disulfide bond in the gel are enhanced, the value of the gel breaking force is gradually increased, and as the heating time is prolonged, The interaction between the network protein molecules and the gel breaking force exhibit a tendency to decrease after the first increase. In addition, the effect of the heating temperature on the three forces was found to be the largest, and the change of the heating temperature was more significant to the gel breaking force. The relationship between the elastic modulus of the soybean protein gel and the non-network protein, the content of the network protein and the size of the protein aggregates was studied. The non-network protein in the gel was removed by the diffusion method, and the elastic modulus of the gel before and after removal was measured, and the non-network protein was found to have no contribution to the elastic modulus of the gel. As the temperature of the heating increases, the degree of denaturation of the 11S protein increases, and the ratio of the network protein to the total protein is increased, resulting in an exponential increase in the elastic modulus of the gel. The effect of the salt ion concentration and the ratio of 7S/ 11S on the elastic modulus of the gel is not entirely dependent on the total protein ratio of the network protein, at which point the elastic modulus of the gel is positively related to the average particle size of the protein aggregate.
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