发布时间:2021-08-09 15:01
【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:220 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 Overview of biomarkers
1.2.1 Physiochemical properties of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.2.2 Toxicity of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.2.3 Environmental indicative significance of aliphatic hydrocarbons n-Alkanes Isoprenoid alkanes
1.3 Research progress of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.4 Major research contents and overall objectives
1.4.1 Environmental geochemistry of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.4.2 Historical sedimentary record of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.4.3 Trophic transfer of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.5 Technical route and main workload
Chapter 2 Samples and methodologies
2.1 Description of the study area
2.1.1 Typical petroleum-producing area
2.1.2 Typical coal-mining area
2.2 Sample collection
2.2.1 Soil samples
2.2.2 Surface sediment samples
2.2.3 Sediment core samples
2.2.4 Biota samples
2.3 Sample pretreatment
2.4 Sample analysis
2.4.1 Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis
2.4.2 Grain size analysis
2.4.3 Stable isotope analysis
2.4.4 Geochronology
2.4.5 Data analysis Pristane and phytane Carbon preference index and natural n-alkane ratio Wax n-alkane percentage Aquatic macrophyte n-alkane proxy Trophic level and trophic magnification factor Biota-sediment accumulation factor
2.5 Statistical analysis
2.6 Quality assurance and quality control
Chapter 3 Distribution and sources of n-alkanes in surface soils fromthe Yellow River Delta Natural Reserve
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Concentration and spatial distribution of n-alkanes in soils
3.2.1 Composition of n-alkanes
3.2.2 Spatial distribution of n-alkanes
3.2.3 Contamination level of n-alkanes
3.3 Potential sources of n-alkanes in soils
3.3.1 Source identification by major hydrocarbons
3.3.2 Source identification by diagnostic ratios
3.3.3 Source identification by principal component analysis
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Sources and historical sedimentary record of n-alkanes insediments from the Yellow River Delta
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Occurrence and sources of n-alkanes in surface sediments
4.2.1 Concentration level and composition of n-alkanes
4.2.2 Source identification of n-alkanes
4.3 Historical record of n-alkanes in the sediment core
4.3.1 Concentration level of n-alkanes
4.3.2 Potential sources of n-alkanes
4.3.3 Temporal variation of n-alkanes
4.3.4 Correlation with anthropogenic activities
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Occurrence and trophic transfer of n-alkanes in fish fromthe Yellow River Estuary
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes
5.3 Residue level of n-alkanes
5.4 Source identification and homolog profiles of n-alkanes
5.5 Accumulation and trophic transfer of n-alkanes
5.5.1 Biota-sediment accumulation factor
5.5.2 Trophic magnification factor
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Spatial variability and source apportionment of n-alkanesin surface sediments from the Huai River
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Occurrence and spatial distribution of n-alkanes
6.3 Source identification and homolog profiles of n-alkanes
6.4 Source apportionment of n-alkanes
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Historical change in anthropogenic contribution to n-alkanes in sediments from the Huai River
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Composition and concentration of n-alkanes in sediments
7.2.1 Temporal variation of n-alkanes
7.2.2 Grain size
7.3 Source identification of n-alkanes
7.3.1 Source identification by diagnostic ratios
7.3.2 Source identification by principal component analysis
7.3.3 Source apportionment by PCA-MLR
7.4 Historical change in anthropogenic contribution
7.5 Summary
Chapter 8 Major conclusions and innovations
8.1 Major conclusions
8.1.1 Contamination level of aliphatic hydrocarbons
8.1.2 Source apportionment of aliphatic hydrocarbons
8.1.3 Historical records of aliphatic hydrocarbons
8.1.4 Occurrence and trophic transfer of aliphatic hydrocarbons in biota
8.2 Major innovations
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.2 生物标志物概述
1.2.1 脂肪烃的物理化学性质
1.2.2 脂肪烃的毒性
1.2.3 脂肪烃的环境指示意义 正构烷烃 类异戊二烯烷烃
1.3 国内外研究进展
1.4 研究内容和研究目的
1.4.1 脂肪烃的环境地球化学
1.4.2 脂肪烃的历史沉积记录
1.4.3 脂肪烃的营养级转移
1.5 技术路线和主要工作量
第二章 采样与测试
2.1 研究区域概况
2.1.1 典型石油开采区
2.1.2 典型煤炭开采区
2.2 样品采集
2.2.1 土壤样品
2.2.2 表层沉积物样品
2.2.3 沉积柱样品
2.2.4 生物样品
2.3 样品前处理
2.4 样品测试与分析
2.4.1 GC-MS测试
2.4.2 粒度分析
2.4.3 稳定同位素分析
2.4.4 同位素定年
2.4.5 数据分析 姥鲛烷和植烷 碳优势指数和自然正构烷烃指数 植物蜡碳数 水生植物指标 营养级和营养级放大因子 生物-沉积物累积因子
2.5 统计分析
2.6 质量控制与质量保证
第三章 黄河三角洲自然保护区土壤中正构烷烃的空间分布和污染源解析
3.1 前言
3.2 正构烷烃的含量和空间分布
3.2.1 组成特征
3.2.2 空间分布特征
3.2.3 污染特征
3.3 正构烷烃的污染源解析
3.3.1 主峰碳法解析污染源
3.3.2 特征比值法解析污染源
3.3.3 主成分分析法解析污染源
3.4 小结
第四章 黄河三角洲沉积物中正构烷烃的污染源解析和历史沉积记录
4.1 前言
4.2 表层沉积物中正构烷烃的组成和潜在来源
4.2.1 组成和赋存特征
4.2.2 污染源识别
4.3 沉积柱中正构烷烃的历史沉积记录
4.3.1 赋存特征
4.3.2 污染源识别
4.3.3 历史分布特征
4.3.4 与人类活动的关系
4.4 小结
第五章 黄河口鱼中正构烷烃的赋存特征和营养级转移
5.1 前言
5.2 碳氮同位素分析
5.3 正构烷烃的赋存特征
5.4 正构烷烃的组成特征和污染源解析
5.5 正构烷烃的累积和营养级转移
5.5.1 生物-沉积物累积因子
5.5.2 营养级放大因子
5.6 小结
第六章 淮河(安徽段)表层沉积物中正构烷烃的空间分布和污染源解析
6.1 前言
6.2 正构烷烃的空间分布特征
6.3 正构烷烃的组成特征和污染源解析
6.4 污染源的定量分析
6.5 小结
第七章 淮河(安徽段)沉积物中正构烷烃人为贡献的历史变化
7.1 前言
7.2 正构烷烃的组成和赋存特征
7.2.1 历史分布特征
7.2.2 粒度
7.3 污染源解析
7.3.1 特征比值法解析污染源
7.3.2 主成分分析法解析污染源
7.3.3 多元线性回归法定量解析污染源
7.4 脂肪烃人为贡献的历史变化
7.5 小结
第八章 主要结论和创新点
8.1 主要结论
8.1.1 脂肪烃的污染程度
8.1.2 脂肪烃的主要来源
8.1.3 脂肪烃的历史沉积记录
8.1.4 生物体中脂肪烃的赋存和营养级转移
8.2 主要创新点
[1]西安城郊土壤中正构烷烃的分布、来源及其影响因素[J]. 王文岩,张娟,王林权,侯红,李发生,李雪芳. 农业环境科学学报. 2014(04)
[2]北京市大气颗粒物中正构烷烃污染特征的研究[J]. 马海丽,李峣,钱枫,肖璐,何翔. 环境科学与技术. 2013(03)
[3]长春市土壤中正构烷烃的分布特征及来源[J]. 刘晓秋,陆继龙,赵玉岩,蔡波,王春珍. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版). 2012(S3)
[4]The spatial distribution and sedimentary processes of organic matter in surface sediments of Nam Co,Central Tibetan Plateau[J]. WANG Yong1,3,ZHU LiPing1,WANG JunBo1,JU JianTing1 & LIN Xiao2 1 Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environmental Changes and Land Surface Processes,Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;2 Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of Ministry of Education,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China;3 Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2012(36)
[5]Succession of bacterial community along with the removal of heavy crude oil pollutants by multiple biostimulation treatments in the Yellow River Delta,China[J]. Sulin Yu,Shuguang Li,Yueqin Tang,Xiaolei Wu Department of Energy and Resources Engineering,College of Engineering,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China.. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2011(09)
[6]我国鲻、梭鱼类资源开发及其生态养殖前景的探讨[J]. 施兆鸿,彭士明,侯俊利. 渔业科学进展. 2010(02)
[7]煤矿区大气降尘饱和烃分布特征[J]. 杨策,钟宁宁,陈党义,方钰茗,彭新改. 生态环境. 2007(02)
[8]大气可吸入颗粒物的研究进展[J]. 蒋红梅,王定勇. 环境科学动态. 2001(01)
[9]珠江三角洲气溶胶中正构烷烃分布规律、来源及其时空变化[J]. 成玉,盛国英,闵育顺,邵波,潘相敏,陈立民,傅家谟. 环境科学学报. 1999(01)
[10]石油对鱼类等水生生物的毒性[J]. 倪朝辉,翟良安. 淡水渔业. 1997(06)
[1]南黄海、东海表层沉积物中脂肪烃与多环芳烃的分布特征及来源初步研究[D]. 邓伟.中国海洋大学 2013
[2]污灌区土壤、大气和水中石油烃的分布特征、来源及迁移机制的研究[D]. 张娟.山东大学 2012
[1]吉林省松花湖沉积物柱正构烷烃、多环芳烃与有机氯农药沉积记录研究[D]. 谷雪.吉林大学 2018
[2]渤海典型海域沉积物油指纹特征研究[D]. 周华.中国海洋大学 2012
[3]三种农业秸秆及其烟尘中正构烷烃、正构脂肪酸的组成特征研究[D]. 孙丽娜.南京信息工程大学 2012
[4]应用多参数示踪方法研究黄河口湿地沉积有机质来源和分布[D]. 尹红珍.中国海洋大学 2011
[5]北京大气气溶胶中烃类有机污染物的特征研究[D]. 刘欣然.中国科学院研究生院(大气物理研究所) 2008
[6]东海赤潮高发区沉积物中正构烷烃、脂肪酸的组成与分布[D]. 禇宏大.中国海洋大学 2007
[7]黄河及河口颗粒物中正构烷烃与多环芳烃的分布研究[D]. 宫敏娜.中国海洋大学 2006
【文章来源】:中国科学技术大学安徽省 211工程院校 985工程院校
【文章页数】:220 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Research background and significance
1.2 Overview of biomarkers
1.2.1 Physiochemical properties of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.2.2 Toxicity of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.2.3 Environmental indicative significance of aliphatic hydrocarbons n-Alkanes Isoprenoid alkanes
1.3 Research progress of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.4 Major research contents and overall objectives
1.4.1 Environmental geochemistry of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.4.2 Historical sedimentary record of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.4.3 Trophic transfer of aliphatic hydrocarbons
1.5 Technical route and main workload
Chapter 2 Samples and methodologies
2.1 Description of the study area
2.1.1 Typical petroleum-producing area
2.1.2 Typical coal-mining area
2.2 Sample collection
2.2.1 Soil samples
2.2.2 Surface sediment samples
2.2.3 Sediment core samples
2.2.4 Biota samples
2.3 Sample pretreatment
2.4 Sample analysis
2.4.1 Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis
2.4.2 Grain size analysis
2.4.3 Stable isotope analysis
2.4.4 Geochronology
2.4.5 Data analysis Pristane and phytane Carbon preference index and natural n-alkane ratio Wax n-alkane percentage Aquatic macrophyte n-alkane proxy Trophic level and trophic magnification factor Biota-sediment accumulation factor
2.5 Statistical analysis
2.6 Quality assurance and quality control
Chapter 3 Distribution and sources of n-alkanes in surface soils fromthe Yellow River Delta Natural Reserve
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Concentration and spatial distribution of n-alkanes in soils
3.2.1 Composition of n-alkanes
3.2.2 Spatial distribution of n-alkanes
3.2.3 Contamination level of n-alkanes
3.3 Potential sources of n-alkanes in soils
3.3.1 Source identification by major hydrocarbons
3.3.2 Source identification by diagnostic ratios
3.3.3 Source identification by principal component analysis
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Sources and historical sedimentary record of n-alkanes insediments from the Yellow River Delta
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Occurrence and sources of n-alkanes in surface sediments
4.2.1 Concentration level and composition of n-alkanes
4.2.2 Source identification of n-alkanes
4.3 Historical record of n-alkanes in the sediment core
4.3.1 Concentration level of n-alkanes
4.3.2 Potential sources of n-alkanes
4.3.3 Temporal variation of n-alkanes
4.3.4 Correlation with anthropogenic activities
4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Occurrence and trophic transfer of n-alkanes in fish fromthe Yellow River Estuary
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes
5.3 Residue level of n-alkanes
5.4 Source identification and homolog profiles of n-alkanes
5.5 Accumulation and trophic transfer of n-alkanes
5.5.1 Biota-sediment accumulation factor
5.5.2 Trophic magnification factor
5.6 Summary
Chapter 6 Spatial variability and source apportionment of n-alkanesin surface sediments from the Huai River
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Occurrence and spatial distribution of n-alkanes
6.3 Source identification and homolog profiles of n-alkanes
6.4 Source apportionment of n-alkanes
6.5 Summary
Chapter 7 Historical change in anthropogenic contribution to n-alkanes in sediments from the Huai River
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Composition and concentration of n-alkanes in sediments
7.2.1 Temporal variation of n-alkanes
7.2.2 Grain size
7.3 Source identification of n-alkanes
7.3.1 Source identification by diagnostic ratios
7.3.2 Source identification by principal component analysis
7.3.3 Source apportionment by PCA-MLR
7.4 Historical change in anthropogenic contribution
7.5 Summary
Chapter 8 Major conclusions and innovations
8.1 Major conclusions
8.1.1 Contamination level of aliphatic hydrocarbons
8.1.2 Source apportionment of aliphatic hydrocarbons
8.1.3 Historical records of aliphatic hydrocarbons
8.1.4 Occurrence and trophic transfer of aliphatic hydrocarbons in biota
8.2 Major innovations
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景与意义
1.2 生物标志物概述
1.2.1 脂肪烃的物理化学性质
1.2.2 脂肪烃的毒性
1.2.3 脂肪烃的环境指示意义 正构烷烃 类异戊二烯烷烃
1.3 国内外研究进展
1.4 研究内容和研究目的
1.4.1 脂肪烃的环境地球化学
1.4.2 脂肪烃的历史沉积记录
1.4.3 脂肪烃的营养级转移
1.5 技术路线和主要工作量
第二章 采样与测试
2.1 研究区域概况
2.1.1 典型石油开采区
2.1.2 典型煤炭开采区
2.2 样品采集
2.2.1 土壤样品
2.2.2 表层沉积物样品
2.2.3 沉积柱样品
2.2.4 生物样品
2.3 样品前处理
2.4 样品测试与分析
2.4.1 GC-MS测试
2.4.2 粒度分析
2.4.3 稳定同位素分析
2.4.4 同位素定年
2.4.5 数据分析 姥鲛烷和植烷 碳优势指数和自然正构烷烃指数 植物蜡碳数 水生植物指标 营养级和营养级放大因子 生物-沉积物累积因子
2.5 统计分析
2.6 质量控制与质量保证
第三章 黄河三角洲自然保护区土壤中正构烷烃的空间分布和污染源解析
3.1 前言
3.2 正构烷烃的含量和空间分布
3.2.1 组成特征
3.2.2 空间分布特征
3.2.3 污染特征
3.3 正构烷烃的污染源解析
3.3.1 主峰碳法解析污染源
3.3.2 特征比值法解析污染源
3.3.3 主成分分析法解析污染源
3.4 小结
第四章 黄河三角洲沉积物中正构烷烃的污染源解析和历史沉积记录
4.1 前言
4.2 表层沉积物中正构烷烃的组成和潜在来源
4.2.1 组成和赋存特征
4.2.2 污染源识别
4.3 沉积柱中正构烷烃的历史沉积记录
4.3.1 赋存特征
4.3.2 污染源识别
4.3.3 历史分布特征
4.3.4 与人类活动的关系
4.4 小结
第五章 黄河口鱼中正构烷烃的赋存特征和营养级转移
5.1 前言
5.2 碳氮同位素分析
5.3 正构烷烃的赋存特征
5.4 正构烷烃的组成特征和污染源解析
5.5 正构烷烃的累积和营养级转移
5.5.1 生物-沉积物累积因子
5.5.2 营养级放大因子
5.6 小结
第六章 淮河(安徽段)表层沉积物中正构烷烃的空间分布和污染源解析
6.1 前言
6.2 正构烷烃的空间分布特征
6.3 正构烷烃的组成特征和污染源解析
6.4 污染源的定量分析
6.5 小结
第七章 淮河(安徽段)沉积物中正构烷烃人为贡献的历史变化
7.1 前言
7.2 正构烷烃的组成和赋存特征
7.2.1 历史分布特征
7.2.2 粒度
7.3 污染源解析
7.3.1 特征比值法解析污染源
7.3.2 主成分分析法解析污染源
7.3.3 多元线性回归法定量解析污染源
7.4 脂肪烃人为贡献的历史变化
7.5 小结
第八章 主要结论和创新点
8.1 主要结论
8.1.1 脂肪烃的污染程度
8.1.2 脂肪烃的主要来源
8.1.3 脂肪烃的历史沉积记录
8.1.4 生物体中脂肪烃的赋存和营养级转移
8.2 主要创新点
[1]西安城郊土壤中正构烷烃的分布、来源及其影响因素[J]. 王文岩,张娟,王林权,侯红,李发生,李雪芳. 农业环境科学学报. 2014(04)
[2]北京市大气颗粒物中正构烷烃污染特征的研究[J]. 马海丽,李峣,钱枫,肖璐,何翔. 环境科学与技术. 2013(03)
[3]长春市土壤中正构烷烃的分布特征及来源[J]. 刘晓秋,陆继龙,赵玉岩,蔡波,王春珍. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版). 2012(S3)
[4]The spatial distribution and sedimentary processes of organic matter in surface sediments of Nam Co,Central Tibetan Plateau[J]. WANG Yong1,3,ZHU LiPing1,WANG JunBo1,JU JianTing1 & LIN Xiao2 1 Key Laboratory of Tibetan Environmental Changes and Land Surface Processes,Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;2 Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of Ministry of Education,China University of Geosciences,Wuhan 430074,China;3 Graduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China. Chinese Science Bulletin. 2012(36)
[5]Succession of bacterial community along with the removal of heavy crude oil pollutants by multiple biostimulation treatments in the Yellow River Delta,China[J]. Sulin Yu,Shuguang Li,Yueqin Tang,Xiaolei Wu Department of Energy and Resources Engineering,College of Engineering,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China.. Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2011(09)
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