本文关键词:基于半张量积方法的有限博弈的结构、演化稳定性与控制 出处:《山东大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 演化博弈 势博弈 矩阵半张量积 加权子空间 稳定性和镇定 时滞
[Abstract]:Evolutionary game theory game theory is a new field of research, is a theory developed based on game theory. Evolutionary game theory study the limited rationality of how individuals with time in the process of the game is repeated in the upgrading of self strategy by learning the rules of making maximum profit at present, the evolutionary game theory in Biology, economics, sociology, engineering science and many other fields have been widely used, so it has extremely important theoretical value and significance. In the evolutionary game theory, and when the number and the number of strategies is limited, its evolution is a finite value logic dynamic process, can be co evolutionary game equivalent to a finite value logic dynamic system. Analysis and control matrix semi tensor product method has been successfully applied in dynamic logic system This system, so this method can also be used to study the co evolutionary game problem. This paper uses semi tensor product matrix, firstly, non cooperative game weighted subspace decomposition, and then consider the Markov type evolutionary game stability and stabilization problems are discussed, the modeling and stability of the game evolution lag. The main research contents are as follows: 1. research on non cooperative game weighted subspace decomposition. Firstly, through the analysis of the nature of non cooperative game, the vector space of its structure, and the orthogonal decomposition into three weighted subspace and the three weighted subspace are game subspace and weighted non weighted pure potential game space, pure harmonic game space. Secondly, the base has given each weighted subspace, which provides a convenient tool for us to study their properties. Finally, The use of these substrates, construct the weighted matrix, the calculation formula of weighted subspace and some properties, and consider the method of Lyapunov function based on the optimal weights of.2., and stability of Markovian evolutionary game. First of all, the definition of k- value system Lyapunov function get the necessary and sufficient conditions for a Markov type pure strategy evolutionary game of global stability, and by solving a group of inequalities, gives the algorithm to construct the Lyapunov function. Secondly, the evolutionary game for the time-varying gain function, construct the common Lyapunov function to guarantee global stability. Further use of potential equations, established a a common Lyapunov function and potential function based on the approximate potential game evolutionary stable conditions. Finally, the results of stability analysis based on the discussion of the horse The stabilization problem of evolutionary game Erkefu type control, given some conditions of global.3. stabilization effect of the time-delay effect on evolutionary stability. First, by using the semi tensor product of matrices, are given algebraic description for time invariant delays and time-varying delays of evolutionary game theory, and through the conversion, the delay is transformed into evolutionary game with standard discrete dynamic system. Secondly, considering the dynamic evolution of delay potential game based on the update rules through specific design strategies, which delay evolutionary game converges to a pure Nash equilibrium. Finally, stability of evolutionary game based on the network delay potential game.
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