本文关键词: 高空间分辨率遥感图像 不透水面 图谱耦合 多尺度 云平台Hadoop 出处:《中国科学院大学(中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所)》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Which type of coverage, impervious surface, spatial distribution index has important significance in the process of city and environmental quality assessment, accurate estimation and extraction of impervious surface information can provide data support for the building of the level of "sponge" eco city. With the development of imaging technology, imaging spatial resolution has been improved, providing the possibility for the fine extraction of impervious surface information. However, because the city complex background, impervious surface diversity, high resolution image accurate impervious surface extraction faces the serious "synonyms spectrum based on objects with the same spectrum". The image can not only provide high spectral information, but also rich in shape. Texture, context information, extraction accuracy of combination of these features can greatly improve impervious surface. In this situation, based on the traditional spectral information, low Images of impervious surface information extraction method was not suitable for high-resolution images. Therefore, based on the spectral and spatial features of remote sensing image fusion as a starting point, fully tap the image map features, the classification model of collaborative use, so as to realize the high city scale accurate extraction of impervious surface. The main research contents and innovation points are as follows: (1) the proposed segmentation method of remote sensing image multi scale city area under the guidance of prior knowledge. In order to solve the traditional single scale segmentation method can not meet the complex features of the city multi-scale segmentation requirements, and have serious over segmentation, less segmentation problem is put forward in this paper. The multi-level multi-scale segmentation method based on prior knowledge, the image classification results of pixel and the first level of large scale image segmentation and integration into prior knowledge, auxiliary To help the second level multi scale image segmentation process (different objects), the realization of adaptive features suitable segmentation scale parameters, to meet the demand of different objects segmentation scale parameters. The experimental results show that compared to the traditional method, this method can obtain a more homogeneous and complete surface patches, facilitates the identification of different scale morphology and characteristic extraction objects and subsequent properties. (2) proposed coupled map distance metric learning with high impervious surface classification method based on multi feature vector superposition for lack of traditional fusion methods in city surface classification using spectral heterogeneity in the high, based on the cooperative spatial and spectral features of remote sensing images that will be the distance metric learning technique is introduced to the impervious information extraction process, based on the current image labeled samples, reflect the sample characteristics The spatial distance measure function, fully tap the map feature combination and application mode of the image classification, thus completing the classification process of high precision surface City coupling, and then extract the accurate impervious surface information. The experimental results show that the classification accuracy of this method can significantly improve the city's surface, for the subsequent high precision is not through the water extraction and lay a solid foundation. (3) proposed a set of Hadoop impervious surface extraction process based on distributed. The impervious surface itself consists of diverse city background is complex, high precise impervious surface extraction algorithm complexity is relatively high, inability to meet the city scale rapidly and accurately through the application of water demand information this paper will extract the computer field mature cloud platform Hadoop is applied to the high resolution remote sensing of impervious surface information extraction applications, and according to the remote sensing image and high water Surface extraction algorithm, the design and implementation of the strategy and city block and with high impervious surface extraction algorithm of the parallel mechanism of automatic image score based on Hadoop. Finally, the block processing through remote sensing image data or data set, to achieve the distributed, high impervious surface extraction. The experimental results show that the the method without affecting the high impervious surface extraction accuracy, can greatly improve the extraction rate.
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