
发布时间:2018-02-17 05:17

  本文关键词: 复杂产品 认知不确定性 区间变量 耦合区间变量 二阶不确定性 混合可靠性分析 出处:《浙江工业大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Complex products are testing experimental difficulties, high costs, lack of sample data and so on, lead to some uncertainty variable information is scarce, unable to establish the probability model of the exact distribution, due to insufficient information caused by cognitive uncertainty. At the same time complex products to the random variables, interval variables, coupling interval variables and different confidence distribution interval variables and other variables. This makes the calculation efficiency of the traditional reliability analysis method of random variables or not applicable or lower consideration only. Therefore, this paper based on the complex product cognitive uncertainty and random uncertainty coexist, analysis method of complex product reliability research under uncertainty, a hybrid reliability of complex product cognition the deterministic analysis model, put forward efficient numerical method for hybrid reliability analysis. The results are summarized as follows : (1) mixed reliability interval and random variable analysis model is established to solve the calculation efficiency of double coupled optimization problems caused by the problem of low, the double coupling problem is transformed into a sequence of optimization problems, and puts forward the calculation of an efficient numerical method. The probability sequence analysis of optimization problems. A robust iterative algorithm; in interval analysis, the gradient projection algorithm based on a new two stage algorithm of interval analysis. The first stage for the treatment of the limit state function for interval variables monotonous, second stage by using the gradient projection method with non monotone decomposition sequence. Analysis of interval optimization problems and put forward the algorithm improves the calculation efficiency of reliability analysis, solves the problem of low efficiency and reliability analysis of mixed interval random variables. (2) for coupling interval variables and random variables. Condition, ellipsoid model based on hybrid reliability analysis model, this paper proposed a hybrid method for the reliability analysis method of single layer conversion based on high dimension model. In the high dimensional model representation, using a solution of maximum probability two order moment algorithm reference point, using polynomial approximation model the limit state function of the random variable and the coupling interval variable sub model is established based on the sampling method. To solve the sub model of limit state function on limit coupling interval variables in multi domain ellipsoid model based on the value of the upper and lower limits and finally solve the failure probability by Monte Carlo method. The original number of single solution of limit state function after conversion to calculate failure probability of the upper and lower limit only need to call a little, to improve the computational efficiency and hybrid reliability analysis. (3) consider different confidence interval variables, uncertainty and random order two Variable, evidence theory of three kinds of hybrid reliability uncertainty variable model was established. Based on the analysis put forward an efficient method of single hybrid reliability. In order to solve the double coupled optimization problem, KKT analysis using interval, double coupling optimization problem into a single optimization problem. To solve the conditions caused by KKT stability and convergence difficulties, single hybrid reliability analysis model using a smooth function to handle KKT constraints. The model simplifies the different confidence interval variable analysis of single hybrid reliability, reliability analysis of random variables and two order under uncertainty, double decomposition optimization, improve the computational efficiency. (4) the product of metal complex the driven wheel cutting band sawing machine, sawing machine bed and components for the application of the research object, display and verify the reliability of the proposed hybrid The method is feasible and efficient. According to the three parts of the cognitive uncertainty variables and random uncertainty variables, respectively analysis of hybrid reliability interval is proposed in this paper, and the random variable method based on hybrid reliability analysis method and different confidence intervals and mixed random variable and random variable coupling interval reliability analysis method of the implementation of the reliability analysis and calculation. And the existing hybrid reliability analysis method of the limit state function call number comparison, analysis and calculation method of high efficiency hybrid reliability is proposed in this paper. The calculation results by Monte Carlo method for reference, analysis and calculation method of high precision hybrid reliability is put forward.



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