本文选题:微流控 切入点:微球 出处:《东南大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Multivariate analysis technique has important application value in the biomedical field. Multiple biological carrier flow analysis technology has obvious superiority on the key is to develop appropriate vector encoding. The surface of polymer microspheres of traditional chemical composition is uniform (isotropic), with further research, theoretical and experimental results show that the special nature of anisotropic microspheres in the control of molecular recognition and self-assembly process with ordinary microspheres have not. In addition, if can be prepared with a variety of chemical composition and function partition of the microspheres can be endowed with more abundant function vector encoding, thereby greatly expanding the flexibility and application value. Microfluidic technology refers to the micro scale the different fluid in a specific manner and integrated into a system, and system control and operation technology of its behavior. After recent Ten years of development, provides a new method of microfluidic technology for many scientific and technological fields, including chemical synthesis, biochemical analysis, real-time diagnosis, drug development, environmental monitoring and so on. Especially in the fabrication of materials, microfluidic technology can control on the structure of the material prepared for accurate. Therefore, this based on the micro fluidic technology, design and preparation of anisotropic functional bio carrier, the development of its application in biological analysis, the specific contents are as follows: (1) single emulsion system based on the design of two components of Janus emulsion forming device by solvent evaporation induced self monodisperse silica nanoparticles assemble the colloidal crystal close packed structure, while the magnetic nanoparticles were deposited in the magnetic field, so as to prepare the Janus structure with anisotropic magnetic response of colloidal crystal microspheres controlled movement, and Its application in biological analysis. (2) double emulsion system based on the design and construction of glass capillary generated double emulsion one-step seven capillary array based on microfluidic chip. The capillary array in a capillary inside and around the outside of the six capillary formation center symmetrical structure accurately, so as to avoid the construction process of traditional chip in artificial to operate, the preparation process is simplified. By using this chip, can realize the mononuclear and polynuclear double emulsion can be controlled. (3) double emulsion has been prepared based on colloidal crystal micro bubble structure of the suspended carrier and encoding for biological analysis. First. Using microfluidic technology for preparation of shell for selectively permeable membrane, the kernel for the microcapsule aqueous solution, hypertonic solution induced by the micro capsule, cavitation phenomenon, and bubbles in the internal capsule. This method of operation The process is simple, controllable. On this basis, the preparation of microcapsule core colloidal nanoparticles dispersion induced by the internal capsule; cavitation phenomenon, guide the nanoparticles in the solid liquid gas interface assembly into a spherical colloidal crystal layer of closely packed structure. The micro bubble Double Shell finally solve the traditional carrier settlement quickly in the test solution the shortcomings, and has high stability, the amount of amplification and encoding, etc., in immune analysis, has important application value in evaluation of compatible cell culture and biological material. (4) single emulsion double emulsion composite system based on simultaneous preparation of droplets and fibers, and monodisperse droplets by forming a micro fiber string vector array structure, controlled by the experimental parameters of the carrier can be fixed and free to slide two modes in the fiber. The micro carrier training in cell array It possesses high flexibility. On the other hand, the interaction of droplet on shear stress and interfacial tension along the fiber direction generated by the spherical deformation into spindle. Therefore, micro structure array carrier prepared with imitation of natural spider silk, and has the water collection, temperature response, multiple functions non spherical assembly of colloidal crystals.
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