本文选题:GRAS转录因子 切入点:VaPAT1 出处:《中国科学院研究生院(武汉植物园)》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:葡萄(Vitis vinifera L.)是我国重要的栽培果树之一,葡萄基因组序列的发布为在分子水平上鉴定葡萄优良农艺性状、抗逆(病)相关基因奠定了重要基础。GRAS家族基因是一类广泛参与植物生长、发育及抗逆等过程的转录因子,其在葡萄逆境胁迫应答中的作用鲜有报道。本研究利用生物信息学手段,在全基因组水平上对葡萄GRAS基因家族进行了鉴定和分类。并利用分子生物学手段对山葡萄(V. amurensis)中一个GRAS基因,VaPAT1的功能进行了研究,初步揭示了VaPATl调控植物非生物胁迫应答的分子机制。主要研究结果如下:1、从12ב黑比诺’葡萄(V. vinifera cv. Pinot Noir)基因组数据库中共鉴定得到41个葡萄GRAS基因,分布于除3、5、10和16号染色体外的15条葡萄染色体上。与此同时,本研究还发现两个GRAS基因簇,一个位于6号染色体上另一个位于13号染色体上。葡萄GRAS家族分为PAT1、LS、SCL4/7、HAM、 SHR、SCL3、SCL9、SCR和DELLA 9个亚家族。2、系统进化关系分析表明、VaPAT1与同是PAT1亚家族的佛手CmsGRAS及水稻OsCIGR1蛋白关系最近。VaPAT1基因启动子区序列上包含ARE、GARE、 HSE、TC-rich repeats以及TCA等多个与激素信号传导和外界环境胁迫应答相关的顺式作用元件。3、VaPATl对外源施加ABA.GA和SA都能够响应。在GA处理下,VaPAT1表达量下调,表现出类似于GRAS家族DELLA基因的性质。低温、干旱、高盐处理下,VaPAT1表达量均显著上调。尤其是200 mM NaCl高盐处理下,VaPAT1表达量在48 h时上升为处理前22倍。这些结果表明,VaPAT1可能参与调控非生物胁迫应答过程,并且可能在其中发挥重要作用。4、酵母双杂交结果证明VaPAT1具有转录自激活活性。VaPAT1转基因拟南芥在低温、干旱、高盐非生物胁迫处理下其成活率都显著高于野生型,表明VaPAT1在调节植物抗逆的过程中起正向调控作用。VaPAT1转基因拟南芥中脯氨酸及可溶性糖含量显著高于野生型,这些可能是转基因拟南芥抗性增强的重要原因。5、通过qRT-PCR检测野生型及VaPAT1转基因拟南芥中抗逆相关基因的表达情况,发现VaPAT1转入不仅影响抗逆途径下游基因AtCOR15A、AtRD29A和AtRD29B的表达,还影响发挥重要作用的上游转录因子AtSIZ1、AtCBFl、 AtATR1/MYB34和AtMYC2的表达。此外,ABA合成及信号传导相关基因AtNCED3和AtCIPK20在VaPAT1转基因株系中表达显著上调,表明VaPAT1可能参与了ABA依赖型胁迫应答途径。
[Abstract]:Vitis vinifera L. is one of the most important cultivated fruit trees in China. GRAs family genes are a class of transcription factors involved in plant growth, development and stress resistance. The role of Grape in the stress response of grape was rarely reported. In this study, bioinformatics was used. The GRAS gene family of grape was identified and classified at the whole genome level, and the function of a GRAS gene in Vamurensis was studied by molecular biology. The molecular mechanism of VaPATl regulating plant abiotic stress response was preliminarily revealed. The main results were as follows: 1. 41 grape GRAS genes were identified from 12 脳 'Pinot Noir' V. vinifera cv. Pinot Noir genomic database. At the same time, two clusters of GRAS genes were found in this study. One is located on chromosome 6 and the other is on chromosome 13. The GRAS family of grape is divided into four subfamilies named PAT1LSnSCL4 / 7Ham, SHR-SCL3SCL9 / SCR and DELLA 9 subfamilies. Phylogenetic analysis shows that VAT _ 1 has the best relationship with CmsGRAS of Buddha and OsCIGR1 of rice, which is the same subfamily of PAT1. The promoter sequence of the near. VaPAT1 gene includes AREGARE, HSETC-rich repeats and TCA, which are related to hormone signal transduction and environmental stress response to exogenous exogenous ABA.GA and SA. Under GA treatment, the expression of VaPAT1 is down-regulated. Showing properties similar to those of the DELLA gene of the GRAS family. The expression of VaPAT1 was significantly up-regulated in high salt treatment, especially in 200mm NaCl treated with high salt. The expression of VAPA 1 increased 22 times at 48 h after treatment. These results suggested that VAPA 1 might be involved in the regulation of abiotic stress response. The results of yeast two-hybrid showed that VaPAT1 had transcriptional self-activation activity. The survival rate of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana was significantly higher than that of wild type under low temperature, drought and high salt abiotic stress. The results showed that the proline and soluble sugar content in Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic with VaPAT1 was significantly higher than that in wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana. These may be the important reasons for the increase of resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. By detecting the expression of stress related genes in wild-type Arabidopsis and VaPAT1 transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana by qRT-PCR, it was found that VaPAT1 transfer not only affected the expression of the downstream genes AtCor15Afwe AtRD29A and AtRD29B, but also the expression of AtRD29B in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. It also affected the expression of upstream transcription factor AtSIZ1, AtCBFl, AtATR1/MYB34 and AtMYC2. In addition, the expression of AtNCED3 and AtCIPK20 genes related to AtATR1/MYB34 synthesis and signal transduction were significantly up-regulated in VaPAT1 transgenic lines, suggesting that VaPAT1 may be involved in ABA dependent stress response pathway.
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