本文选题:门限模型 + 整数值时间序列 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:In this paper, the modeling and statistical inference of several kinds of threshold time series models are studied. Firstly, in order to characterize the volatility and asymmetry of the financial return series, we propose a threshold stochastic volatility model with explanatory variables. The parameters of the model are estimated by using MCMC method. This paper studies the accuracy, sensitivity and robustness of MCMC algorithm by simulation, and applies it to the empirical analysis of American SP500 stock data. Secondly, in order to characterize the nonlinear structure of integral numerical time series, we propose a class of threshold integral numerical autoregressive processes based on negative binomial sparse operator "*", and discuss the strict stationarity, ergodicity and moment existence of the process. The conditional least square estimation and conditional maximum likelihood estimation of process parameters are given, and the asymptotic distribution of the estimator is also given. For the optimization of integral numerical parameters, we propose a new iterative algorithm. The effect of the estimation and the accuracy of the algorithm are studied by numerical simulation, and the global seismic data are fitted with the proposed model. In the end, we weaken the condition of the original set INARA) model, redefine the set INARN 2 / 1) model, discuss the properties of the new model and the quasi-likelihood inference of the parameters, and obtain the maximum quasi-likelihood estimation of the parameters and the asymptotic distribution of the estimator. And the confidence region of the parameters. The effect of the estimation is studied by simulation and comparison. A group of crime data were fitted with the proposed model.
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