本文选题:最优控制 + 输入时滞 ; 参考:《南京航空航天大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:The optimal control is to find an optimal control scheme in the admissible control scheme. This is a classic optimization problem. Because the optimal control has a wide application background, the optimal control theory has been studied for a long time, especially the linear two order optimal control problem, and its solution is a simple state. The feedback form is very easy to be realized in practical engineering applications. However, the accuracy of the optimal control system is higher, the time delay factor and the uncertainty factor of the system are common in the actual system. The system is unstable. From the signal measurement to the controller, there is a time difference between the system and the system. This time difference is the input time delay. This is an inevitable existence factor. Because of the existence of the input delay, the design difficulty of the controller is greatly increased, so the small amount of input time delay is often ignored in the design of the controller. But for optimal control, its performance index value is very sensitive to time delay, and a very small input time delay will also greatly increase the actual performance index. Therefore, considering the effect of input delay, the optimal controller design is a research topic in this paper. The full text is seven chapters. The first chapter introduces the optimal control of time delay systems respectively. In the second chapter, the influence of input time delay on the control system and the necessity of input time-delay research are described in detail. In the third chapter, the optimal state feedback control system for linear input time-delay systems is studied, and the input time delay is introduced by introducing integral state transformation. The system is transformed into a time delay system, and the relationship between the two systems is obtained. Through this relation, the optimal control of the original input delay system can be solved by the time delay system. The final result reveals the function of the input delay in the optimal control design of the linear system. The existence of the input delay does not change the need for the current time. The optimal control amount is only delayed the optimal control time. Based on this understanding, we can find the time delay feedback gain formula for time delay optimal control. In addition, for multi input time-delay systems, the idea of dynamic programming and the results of single input time-delay systems can be combined with the results of single input time-delay systems, and the optimal feedback of each input time delay can be obtained. The fourth chapter studies the optimal trajectory tracking control problem of an input time-delay system with external disturbances. First, a simple transformation is used to transform the trajectory tracking target into a known disturbance, and then an improved integral state transformation is introduced to transform the input delay error system into a time delay system and two systems are obtained. In order to compensate for the influence of the uncertain factors, the disturbance observer is introduced on the basis of the optimal control of the nominal error system, and the final designed controller consists of two parts: one part is the optimal time delay trajectory tracking control of the nominal system, The main function is to realize the given control task; the other is obtained by the disturbance observer, which is mainly used to compensate for the influence of the uncertain factors. Due to the influence of the input delay, the controller can not be designed by the current error state, so the predictive state is introduced to replace the current state and the final time delay optimal trajectory is obtained. The simulation results show that the designed controller can not only maintain the performance of the optimal control, but also greatly improve the robustness of the optimal control. In the fifth and sixth chapters, we apply the theoretical results to the "round trip" control and "low head lift" control of the two wheeled inverted pendulum. "Two wheel inverted pendulum". In the control design of round and round motion, by introducing a special linear two type performance index, the error weight of the swing angle is obtained as large as possible. Thus the "round trip" control problem is transformed into the optimal trajectory tracking control problem of linear system with input delay. The current state of the final design of the controller due to the influence of input delay. Using the predictive state instead. Considering the influence of the uncertain factors in the actual problem, we select the optimal state of the nominal system as the integral sliding surface, and design the integral sliding mode controller to compensate the influence of the uncertain factors. The simulation results show that the displacement state of the system is almost no vibration, and the high frequency vibration appears in the velocity variable. This shows that the designed controller not only can realize the "round trip" control well, but also has strong robustness to the uncertainty. For the control design of "low head lift", it is not feasible to apply the linearized model directly because of the large range of swing angle required by the obstacle avoidance. In the case of a certain decoupling of the system, the feedback linearization method can be used to convert the pendulum angle subsystem into a simple linear system. The appropriate trajectory tracking target is designed according to the actual task, and the time delay optimal trajectory tracking controller is designed to realize the motion task. The simulation results show that the design is designed. The controller can perform the task of "low head lift" very well. Finally, in the seventh chapter, we make a summary of this article.
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