本文选题:交通分配 + 路径选择 ; 参考:《天津大学》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:The analysis of travelers' path choice behavior is an important basis for predicting urban traffic conditions, formulating effective traffic control and guidance strategies, and implementing layout and optimization of traffic infrastructure. Due to the randomness of traffic supply and demand in time and space distribution, urban traffic network is full of uncertainty, and travelers will show different behavior of limited rational path selection under random and uncertain road network environment. Based on the foreground theory model, this paper focuses on the theme of "Modeling and analyzing the behavior of traveler's limited rational path selection in the environment of risk and uncertainty", and respectively from the perspective of the road network perception. The logical stages, such as path evaluation and path decision, describe and improve the behavior model of bounded rational cognition and path decision and the corresponding network equilibrium model. Then the influence of different finite rational factors on road network equilibrium prediction is analyzed by combining theory and numerical examples. The specific contents include the following aspects: 1) to study the impact of random perception bias on individual travel time perception and travel path decision. This paper analyzes the influence of random perception bias on individual perceived travel time distribution, and uses it to replace the probability weight distribution in cumulative foreground theory, and constructs a foreground theory model based on perceptual travel time distribution. The perceived travel time distribution not only guarantees the basic properties of the probability, but also loosens the assumptions about the type of path travel time distribution (which is difficult to obtain in urban road networks). Numerical examples show that the mean parameters of random perceptual deviations affect the mean and variance of perceived travel time. The variance parameters of random perceptual deviations can flexibly describe the limited rational behavior of travelers in time perception through the variance that affects the distribution of perceptual travel time. Under the distribution of perceived travel time, the prediction of the equilibrium flow distribution of the road network will be affected. At the same time, the total travel time of road network and the ratio of expected road flow to capacity show the opposite trend. 2) considering the limited rational behavior of the traveler in the path decision stage. It is assumed that the decision mechanism based on ranking is used to make scheme decision from the scheme that meets the threshold requirement, and the flexibility of this decision mechanism in describing the scale of individual and group decision scheme and the limited rationality of decision stage is analyzed. Then, a two-factor user equilibrium model considering travel time and fixed charge under congested road network is constructed, in which continuous distribution of travel time value parameter is used to describe the preference heterogeneity between the two factors. The variational inequality model of equilibrium problem is given. The new model can describe the limited rational behavior of the traveler in the path decision stage flexibly. It can be used as a potential substitute theory model of bounded rational behavior theory based on "threshold-no difference interval". (1) and (2) A complex individual path choice behavior model under risk conditions is constructed, and two multifactor reference point models are proposed. That is, ideal reference point model based on single factor and optimal reference point model based on path. Numerical examples show that the limited rational behavior of travelers in the decision-making stage may lead to the improvement of road network performance indicators (total travel time and total charges). Assuming that travelers adopt ideal reference points will not necessarily lead to the improvement of road network performance. At the same time, different algorithms are designed according to the properties of the proposed model, and numerical examples show the effectiveness of the algorithm. Finally, this paper summarizes and analyzes the lack of research and future research direction.
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