本文选题:古冰缘地貌 + 立地环境 ; 参考:《辽宁师范大学》2016年博士论文
【摘要】:以典型古冰缘地貌分布较为集中的辽东山地老秃顶子为研究区域,采用常规地貌调查、植物群落学调查、立地环境因子调查与实验测试分析,以及植被数量分析和数理模型分析相结合的研究方法,对古冰缘地貌特征及环境效应、立地环境特征、植物群落类型及生长发育特征进行了系统研究;界定了古冰缘地貌植物群落稳定性内涵,并基于此,综合选取植被、基质、地形、土壤、气象水文因子,构建评价指标体系,对辽东山地古冰缘地貌环境植物群落稳定性进行了定量评价.主要结论为:(1)研究区发育的古冰缘地貌类型主要有石河、石流坡、石海,偶有石堡、雪蚀洼地、寒冻风化坍塌崖、倒石堆.石河地貌多分布于海拔范围690~1130 m(地貌坡度介于5°~35°);石流坡地貌多分布于海拔820~1300 m(20°~35°);石海地貌集中分布在海拔1 300 m的山顶平缓处(约为7°).自海拔由高向低,古冰缘地貌类型排布方式为石堡—寒冻风化坍塌崖—石海—雪蚀洼地—倒石堆—石流坡—石河,高海拔地貌为低海拔地貌提供物质基础,低海拔地貌是高海拔地貌过程的纵向延伸,垂直梯度上地貌演替序列呈逐渐变化.冰缘营力自上而下趋于复杂化,由简单的寒冻冻胀-重力作用转变为冻胀-热融-雪蚀、磨蚀的综合作用,反映冰缘过程随海拔的降低呈现出由简至繁的变化趋势.(2)基质以花岗岩、片麻岩为主,厚度数米至数十米不等、磨圆度多为亚圆状,且均被地衣、苔藓等覆盖.石河地貌砾石长轴介于30.9~183.9cm,砾石AB面倾向129°~212°,倾角 26°~54°;石流坡砾石长轴 26.8~164.6cm,AB 面 126°~324°,倾角 29°~62°;石海砾石长轴39~168cm,AB面156°~237°,倾角25°~43°,砾石堆积杂乱无序,坡度较陡的石河、石流坡地貌更易发生砾石翻滚,其难以保水、保热、保肥的基质特点是群落形成及稳定发展的一大阻碍.区内50%的石河发育在北坡谷地;石流坡则多在坡中(23.5%)、坡上(47.1%);而石海(57.1%)多形成于山顶.本区土壤厚度薄厚不等,石间缝隙及苔藓下均有发育.土壤组分由粉砂(69.64%)、黏土(20.74%)和砂(9.62%)构成;土质易于形成团聚体,具有良好的通气性、透水性.低海拔(土厚7.5~95cm,均值约38.2cm)的石河土壤酸度弱(4.11~6.02,均值约4.9)、淋失少、有机质含量高(22.15%),土壤水溶液环境利于水化、水解及微生物作用的进行,成壤作用最优;中高海拔的石流坡土壤(厚度6.5~90cm,均值20.6 cm)淋失较大、酸性较强(3.87~5.03,均值约4.5),成壤较差;高海拔段的石海土壤则略显粘重且易于淋洗,但有机质含量较高(17.11%),利于草本植物发育.区内土壤矿质元素含量丰富,但均发生了不同程度的元素淋失、迁移,尤以中高海拔的石流坡地貌土壤显著;海拔较低且植被覆盖良好的石河地貌土壤元素迁移量较小.本区丰沛的降水补给(夏季月降水约223 mm)、适宜的日照、温湿度(夏季气温约21.6℃;10℃积温可达670℃)以及地表大量的地被物累积在很大程度上弥补了基质不良的劣势,外加区内有多条暗河发育,为植物群落的形成及稳定发展提供了有力支持.(3)本区植物种类继承于第三纪古老植物群,冰缘过程使区内植被经历了温暖湿润—潮湿寒冷—温暖湿润的气候旋回过程,植物种组成变化表现为由繁化简—由简至繁的过程,植株体也同样经历由大到小—由小到大的演化趋势.植物群落可划分为16个森林群系和6个灌丛群系;植被类型划分为落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林、暗针叶林、矮曲林、灌丛和灌草丛,石河地貌主要发育落叶阔叶林、针阔混交林和暗针叶林;石流坡地貌主要发育落叶阔叶林、灌丛和针阔混交林;石海地貌主要发育灌丛和灌草丛.调查记录到维管束植物68科138属193种,其中蕨类植物8科10属14种,裸子植物1科3属4种,双子叶植物53科106属150种,单子叶植物6科19属25种;种子植物中,高位芽植物占38.0%、隐芽植物占36.3%、地面芽植物占21.8%、地上芽植物占1.1%、一年生植物占2.8%.多样性以石河地貌H'指数(1.56)、D'指数(0.72)均呈高值,但草本S呈低值(16);石流坡上覆群落各层片及总体的H'、D'指数均处于居中水平;石海群落乔、灌木层及总体的H'指数、D'指数都最低,但草本层S、H'、D'指数均最高(25、2.08、0.84).相似性分析得到石海与石河属中等不相似;石河与石流坡属中等相似;石海与石流坡群落除灌木层属中等相似外,乔木层、草本层及整个群落都属中等不相似.各样地群落优势种乔木幼苗、幼树比例约占30%,植被自然更新潜力较大.海拔因素所限制的水热条件差异是影响本区植物种垂直分布的主要原因,而古冰缘地貌独有的基质环境只会对其产生一定的影响.(4)古冰缘地貌植物群落稳定性受来自基质、地形、土壤、气象水文等共同影响,并以植被为核心,各立地因子间相互协调,实现群落的稳定发展.依此内涵选取30个指标因子植被覆盖度、物种丰富度...等,构建稳定性评价体系,并应用熵权物元可拓模型评价.结果显示,稳定性等级多为Ⅱ级(39.6%)、Ⅲ级(43.8%),等级Ⅳ和Ⅴ各占12.5%和4.1%,即稳定性水平达到"中等"和"较高"的样地共占80%以上,可认为本区植物群落稳定性整体水平较好.其中,Ⅱ(石河)占41.7%,Ⅲ(石河)占58.3%;Ⅱ(石流坡)占47.0%,Ⅲ(石流坡)占35.3%,Ⅳ(石流坡)占11.8%,Ⅳ(石流坡)占5.9%;Ⅱ(石海)、Ⅲ(石海)、Ⅴ(石海)各占14.3%,Ⅳ(石海)占57.1%.在垂直分布上,植物群落稳定性水平具有随海拔升高逐渐降低的特点;在水平分布上,稳定性则以山顶为低水平中心,向外围呈辐射增高状分布.
[Abstract]:Taking the old bald top of Liaodong mountain area with a typical palaeoggeomorphic geomorphic geomorphology as the research area, the common geomorphologic survey, plant community study, site environmental factors investigation and experimental analysis, and the combination of vegetation quantity analysis and mathematical model analysis are used to study the geomorphic features and environmental effects of the palaeo ice edge and the site ring. The characteristics of the environment, plant community type and growth and development were systematically studied, and the stability of the palaeogomorphic geomorphic plant community was defined. Based on this, the evaluation index system was constructed to evaluate the stability of the plant community in the palaeogaeo palaeogomorphic environment of Liaodong by the comprehensive selection of vegetation, matrix, terrain, soil, meteorological and hydrological factors. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the palaeogomorphic geomorphic types developed in the study area are mainly stone river, stone slope, stone sea, even stone castle, snow erosion depression, cold weathering cliff and inverted stone pile. The stone river geomorphology is mostly distributed at 690~1130 m above sea level (the landform slope is from 5 to 35 degrees), and the landforms of stone flow slope are mostly distributed at 820~1300 m (20 to 35 degrees) above sea level, and the stone sea landforms are mostly distributed. It is concentrated in the gentle peak of 1300 m above sea level (about 7 degrees). From high to low altitude from high to low, the pattern of palaeogomorphic geomorphology arrangement is Shibao - cold weathered cliff, stone sea, snow erosion depression, inverted stone pile - stone river stone river, high altitude geomorphology provides material basis for low altitude geomorphology and low altitude geomorphology is a high elevation geomorphic process. The sequence of geomorphic succession on vertical gradient is gradually changing. The periginal battalion force tends to be complex from top to bottom, and is transformed from simple cold frost heaving gravity to frost heave hot melt snow, and the comprehensive effect of abrasion, reflecting the changing trend of the marginal process with the decrease of altitude. (2) the matrix is granite and gneiss Main, the thickness is from a number of meters to tens of meters, and the grinding roundness is mostly subcircle, and all are covered with lichen and moss. The long axis of gravel is between 30.9 and 183.9cm, the AB surface of gravel tends to be 129 to 212 degrees, the dip angle is 26 to 54 degrees, the long axis of gravel gravel is 26.8 to 164.6cm, the AB surface is 126 to 324 degrees, the dip angle is 29 to 62 degrees, and the stone sea gravel long axis 39 to 168cm, AB surface 1 56 to 237 degrees, the dip angle 25 degree to 43 degrees, gravel accumulation disorderly, steep slope of the stone river, rock slope landform is more prone to gravel rolling, it is difficult to protect the water, the heat preservation, the matrix characteristics of the conservation of fertilizer is a great obstacle to the formation and stable development of the community. In the area, 50% stone river is developed in the northern slope, and the rock slope is more in the slope (23.5%) and on the slope (47.1%). The Shihai (57.1%) is mostly formed on the top of the mountain. The thickness of the soil is different, the gap between the rocks and the moss are developed. The soil components are composed of silt (69.64%), clay (20.74%) and sand (9.62%). The soil is easy to form aggregates, and has good aeration and permeability. The soil acidity of low altitude (soil thickness 7.5 ~ 95cm, mean about 38.2cm) is weak (4.11) To 6.02, the mean value is about 4.9), the leaching loss is less, the content of organic matter is high (22.15%). The soil water solution environment is favorable for hydration, hydrolysis and microbial action, and the soil formation is the best. The medium and high altitude rock slope soil (thickness 6.5 ~ 90cm, mean 20.6 cm) has a larger leaching loss, and the acid is stronger (3.87 to 5.03, mean about 4.5), and the soil is poor; Shi Haitu of high altitude The soil is slightly sticky and easy to wash, but the content of organic matter is higher (17.11%), which is beneficial to the development of herbaceous plants. The content of mineral elements in the soil is abundant, but the leaching of elements in different degrees has occurred, especially in the middle and high altitudes, and the soil element migration of the stone river geomorphology with low altitude and good vegetation cover is good. It is small. The abundant precipitation in this area (about 223 mm in summer monthly precipitation), suitable sunshine, temperature and humidity (about 21.6 C in summer, 670 C at 10 C) and a large amount of ground cover on the surface make up for the bad weakness of the matrix to a great extent, and there are many dark rivers in the added area, which provide the formation and stable development of the plant community. (3) the plant species in this area inherited the ancient third period plant group, and the periglacial process made the vegetation in the region experienced warm humid, humid, humid, cold and warm and moist climate cycle, and the plant species composition changed from the simplification to the propagation process, and the plant body also experienced the evolution from large to small from small to large. Trend. The plant community can be divided into 16 forest groups and 6 shrub groups, and the vegetation types are divided into deciduous broad-leaved forest, coniferous and broad-leaved forest, dark coniferous forest, dwarf coniferous forest, shrub and shrub, main development of deciduous broadleaved forest, mixed forest and dark coniferous forest in the stone river, and the main development of deciduous broad-leaved forest, shrub and coniferous and broad-leaved mixed landscape. There are 68 families, 138 genera and 193 species of vascular plants, of which 8 families, 10 genera, 14 species, 1 families, 3 genera, 4 species, 53 families, 106 genera and 53 families of dicotyledonous plants, and single cotyledonous plants of 6 families and 3 genera. %, the upper bud plants accounted for 1.1%, the annual plants accounted for the 2.8%. diversity in the Shihe landform H'index (1.56), the D' index (0.72) were all high, but the S was low (16), and the overall H'and D' index were in the middle level; the stone sea community Joe, shrub layer and the overall H'index, D' index were the lowest, but S, H', D' index of the herb layer. The number is the highest (25,2.08,0.84). The similarity analysis shows that the stone river and the stone river are moderately similar; the stone river and the stone flow slope are moderately similar; the stone and stone slope communities are moderately similar to the shrub layer; the arbor layer, the herbaceous layer and the whole community are of medium dissimilarity. The difference in water and heat conditions restricted by altitude factors is the main reason that affects the vertical distribution of plant species in this area, and the matrix environment unique to the palaeogogo geomorphology can only affect it. (4) the stability of the palaeo marginal geomorphic plant community is influenced by the matrix, topography, soil, meteorology and hydrology, and the vegetation is used as the plant community. The core and each site factor coordinate each other to achieve the stable development of the community. According to this connotation, the stability evaluation system is constructed by selecting 30 index factors, such as vegetation coverage, species richness, and so on. The entropy weight matter element extension model is used to evaluate the stability. The results show that the grade of stability is class II (39.6%), grade III (43.8%), grade IV and V in 12.5% and 4 respectively. .1%, which accounts for more than 80% of the stability level of "medium" and "high", can be considered as the overall level of the stability of the plant community. Among them, II (Shi He) accounted for 41.7%, III (Shi He) accounted for 58.3%; II (Shi Liupo) 47%, III (Shi Liupo) 35.3%, Shi Liupo (Shi Liupo) 11.8%, IV (Shi Liupo) 5.9%; II (stone sea), III (stone sea), V (stone sea) Each of the 14.3% and IV (stone sea) accounted for the vertical distribution of 57.1%., and the stability level of the plant community was gradually reduced with the elevation. In the horizontal distribution, the stability was at the low level of the top of the mountain and increased to the periphery.
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