本文选题:能量级串 + 中尺度涡 ; 参考:《中国科学院研究生院(海洋研究所)》2016年博士论文
[Abstract]:Ocean observations show that 90% of the kinetic energy in the ocean exists in the form of mesoscale vortices in the ocean. However, the generation process and equilibrium process of mesoscale vortices are still worth discussing. The reverse kinetic energy levels observed at satellite altitude provide a new perspective for understanding the equilibrium process of mesoscale vortices. In this paper, the global distribution characteristics of reverse kinetic energy order series, the variation characteristics with depth and the heterogeneity of the reverse kinetic energy order are studied by using various data sets, in order to have a deeper understanding of the reverse kinetic energy level and its role in the vortex equilibrium process. The main results are as follows: first, using satellite altimeter sea level height data, combined with vortex resolution model output data and reanalysis data, the global distribution characteristics of reverse kinetic energy level series, especially the amplitude of reverse kinetic energy level series, are discussed. The scale at which the energy injection scale and the kinetic energy transferred in reverse begin to capture. It is found that the reverse kinetic energy cascade is ubiquitous in the region beyond the equator, and the amplitude and characteristic scale show significant regional differences. Secondly, by comparing the predicted results of the local linear baroclinic theory and the observed mesoscale vortex field with the characteristic scale of the reverse kinetic energy cascade, It is found that the vortex kinetic energy is mainly derived from the effective potential energy released by the baroclinic instability process, while the nonlinear reverse kinetic energy cascade transfers the vortex kinetic energy to a larger scale and redistributes the vortex kinetic energy. And finally reach a statistical stable state. That is, the reverse kinetic energy cascade is a bridge between the characteristic scale of vorticity predicted by linear theory and the characteristic scale of vorticity observed in practice. Thirdly, by diagnosing the variation and anisotropy characteristics of reverse kinetic energy cascade with depth, the paper probes into the kinetic energy sink of reverse transfer. The preliminary results show that in the eastward strong current system of high vorticity kinetic energy, part of the reverse transfer kinetic energy is transmitted downward. At the same time, some of the kinetic energy transferred in the opposite direction is converted into the kinetic energy of the zonal mean flow. However, the contribution of the two energy sinks remains to be studied. Fourthly, the characteristics and mechanism of Interdecadal variation of mesoscale vortex field in the Kuroshio extension region are studied by using the method of reverse kinetic energy order series. The results show that baroclinic instability is not the control mechanism of Interdecadal oscillation of mesoscale vortex field in Kuroshio extensional body, and barotropic instability contributes positively to the Interdecadal oscillation of mesoscale vortex field. The nonlinear reverse kinetic energy cascade plays a decisive role in determining the spatial characteristics of mesoscale vortex field in the Kuroshio extensional body.
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