[Abstract]:In recent years, the research of terahertz electromagnetic wave has been attached great importance to by academic research institutions at home and abroad. The generation and detection technology of terahertz wave has made a breakthrough. At the same time, terahertz material detection technology has also been extensively studied. Compared with the research of terahertz wave generation and application technology, the study of terahertz wave frequency selection can improve the application of terahertz wave in the field of communication engineering. Based on the analysis of terahertz wave filtering and the first-principle method, the theoretical study of terahertz wave reflection frequency selection by using volume phase grating produced by ultrasonic wave in gap crystal is studied in this paper. The main work of this paper is as follows: (1) in this paper, the sphalerite structure gap crystal is used as acousto-optic crystal to study the frequency selection of 0-7.5 THz band. The optical parameters, acoustic parameters and lattice dynamics parameters of gap crystal were calculated by first-principle method, and the terahertz properties of gap crystal (10mm 脳 10mm 脳 0.5mm) were investigated by THz-TDS detection system, acousto-optic effect test system and Raman scattering experiment, respectively. The acousto-optic effect and phonon resonance are verified, the improved Bragg condition for collinear propagation of incident terahertz wave and ultrasonic wave is given, and the quantum dispersion equation of gap crystal coupling field is analyzed. The quantum dispersion curve of coupled field is calculated. (2) based on the fact that the volume phase grating can be regarded as a superlattice structure when the ultrasonic frequency is constant, a Kronig-panny model is proposed to analyze the layered structure of the volume phase grating. The dispersion relation of electromagnetic wave propagation with band gap in one-dimensional bulk phase grating is obtained, and the Bragg condition and acousto-optic coupling property are combined with the quantum dispersion relation of to phonon coupling field. The relationship between the frequency and width of the optical band gap and the ultrasonic frequency and intensity is studied. (3) according to the Bragg condition of the volume phase grating and the acousto-optic coupling property, Based on the quantum dispersion equation of to phonon coupling field and the dispersion relation of electromagnetic wave propagation in one-dimensional bulk phase grating, the modified to phonon coupling field quantum dispersion equation of diatomic cubic crystal is proposed for the first time. The quantum dispersion curve of the modified coupling field in the range of 0-250 MHz is calculated based on the results of first-principle calculation. (4) based on the dielectric function of gap crystal and the quantum dispersion equation of the modified coupling field, the modified dielectric function is proposed. The reflection spectrum of gap crystal under the action of bulk phase grating is calculated, and the residual energy band and reflectivity of 0-7.5 THz band are obtained, and the quantum dispersion relation of the modified to phonon coupling field and the improved dielectric function are analyzed. The Bragg reflectance equations of order 0 ~ (-1) and order 2 are given. (5) by analyzing the Bragg reflectance equation of gap crystal and combining with the results of first-principle calculation, the Bragg reflectance spectra of order 0 ~ (-1) and order 2 in the frequency range of 0-200 MHz are calculated. The relationship between the frequency and intensity of ultrasonic wave and the width and reflectivity of Bragg reflectance spectrum of order 0 and order 2 are studied respectively, and the reflection peaks of the second band gap of the reflection spectrum of order 2 are studied. In this paper, the reflectivity equation of order 2 without double phonon reflection is given, and the reflection spectrum is calculated. (6) the total Bragg reflectance spectrum of the selected frequency signal of THz wave is obtained in the frequency range of 0-7.5 THz. In this paper, the total Bragg reflectance spectra with ultrasonic frequency of 0-200MHz and coupling intensity of 0.1-1meV are calculated respectively. According to the relationship between the acousto-optic coupling intensity and the ultrasonic intensity, it is concluded that the frequency and intensity of the terahertz wave output from the selected frequency are modulated by the frequency and intensity of the ultrasonic wave respectively.
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