
发布时间:2018-07-30 06:50
[Abstract]:Quantum optics is a study of the interaction between light and matter. It is a perfect combination of quantum field theory and physical optics. Its theoretical framework consists of a semiclassical theory involving only medium quantized semiclassical theory and a quantum theory of both medium and light field. Quantum optics has attracted many outstanding physicists from the date of its birth. The research system has also developed from the original natural atomic system to various new quantum optical systems, such as the quantum dot system, the NV color center system, the optical mechanical system, the superconducting quantum circuit system. Among them, the superconducting quantum system based on the Joseph Sen's section has been used to show many interesting quantum optical phenomena. As the core component of the superconducting circuit, the superconducting qubits can be tuned and controlled by the external parameters, and their behavior is similar to the artificial multilevel atom. Therefore, compared with the traditional cavity quantum electrodynamics, the circuit quantum electrodynamics system has a great tunability and can be used. It can be controlled to achieve flexible quantum optical phenomena through regulation and control. The research work of this paper is carried out by the system of superconducting circuits, and some innovative results have been obtained, mainly: 1. the strong coupling or super coupling interaction of a driven superconducting charge bit with a transmission line harmonic oscillator. In the circuit quantum electrodynamics system, we show the theoretical study of the quantum Zeno effect. By using the ornament state method, we predict the dynamic behavior of the decorated bits under two opposite projection measurements. For very frequent repeated measurements, we have shown that the survival probability of the initial state of the decorated bits has an exponent. The form, and its Zeno time is two orders of magnitude longer than the bare bit. For slow repeated measurements, we find that the detuning of the drive field has an important effect on the measurement dynamics of the bit, and under the appropriate system parameters, the Zeno effect appears in the non resonant coupling case. We emphasize that for a normal two level system, this The Zeno effect can not occur by.2. by driving an effective three level superconducting system composed of the strong coupling of the charge bit and the harmonic oscillator of the transmission line. We studied the electromagnetic induction transparency and the Autler-Townes splitting. In the ornament state framework and the steady state approximation, we studied the system's linearity to a weak detection signal. In response. By means of spectral line decomposition and the remaining constraints, we obtain the detailed conditions for the implementation of the electromagnetic induction transparency and Autler-Townes splitting of the ornament state system, and present a corresponding "phase diagram". Compared with the general bare system, these conditions have an additional dependence on the parameters of the bit harmonic subsystem. As a result, by tuning the Jose A Sen coupling energy of the bit, we present the transition from the electromagnetic induction to the Autler-Townes splitting. Our study again shows the advantage of the tunability of the solid-state superconducting quantum circuit.3.. We have studied the electromagnetically induced transparency and the Autler-Townes splitting of the four level V- superconducting system. The two superconducting charge bits of the superconducting quantum interferometer are composed of two superconducting charge bits. We give the eigenvalues and the general solutions of the eigenstates. We find that, for the absorption spectrum of the detection field, this four level system can display multiple dip, up to up to 3 dip, which breaks the traditional corresponding relationship: the N+1 level system shows up to N-1 dip. through the most. The four level system is decomposed into two three energy level subsystems. We give a reasonable explanation for this discovery. We also show that by the parameters of the tuning system, the absorption peak and the role of dip are a convertible.4. using a cyclic transition delta type three level superconducting qubit. We have studied the nonlinear multi wave. Mixing phenomenon. Due to the lack of the selection rule in this system, we have theoretically demonstrated that the three wave, four wave and five wave mixing can coexist for the first time. For only one superconducting bit, the efficiency of four wave mixing can be as high as 0.1%, which can be compared to the wave mixing efficiency of many previous atomic systems. We also show the three wave. The spectral lines of the five wave mixing signal have Autler-Townes splitting, and the coherent superposition of the quantum interference to the total signals - the three and five wave mixing signals - has an important effect on the use of a circular driven three level superconducting Joseph Sen system. We have studied a new type of phase and frequency sensitive microwave amplification. The reduction. Different from the previous linear theory of pure phase sensitive amplification, a new physical mechanism - the common effect of nonlinear wave mixing and wave interference - is proposed not only to amplify the signal but also to decrease, which is called interference nonlinear optics. We have shown that the output is tuned by tuning the relative phase. The signal has undergone a jump transition from a large gain to a deep suppression so that the system can act as a phase controlled amplitude modulator. In addition, by changing the frequency of the drive field, we show the continuous change of the output signal from the amplification to the decrease, thus the system can be filled as a frequency controlled amplitude modulator. The research opens up a new perspective for the wide application of microwave signals in quantum information science.


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