[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the human industry, the environment on which we live is deteriorating and the global climate changes. How to slow down the rate of global climate change and reduce the range of temperature has been one of the serious problems faced by human beings. To control the concentration of two carbon dioxide in the air and reduce the short life climate pollution at the same time. This article only considers tropospheric ozone, methane and black carbon aerosols, SLCPs) is one of the effective ways to mitigate climate change in a short time. However, the effects of various climate pollutants on temperature are different, and there are interactions, so how the emission of pollutants will eventually affect the future climate will still need to be given. This paper uses the second generation atmospheric circulation model BCC_AGCM2.0.1 of the National Climate Center and the aerosol? Climate coupling model system of the aerosol physical and chemical model CUACE/Aero of the China Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CMA), BCC_AGCM2.0.1_CUACE/Aero, in the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on climate change (IPCC AR5). In the framework of the newly proposed effective radiation forcing (ERF) concept, combined with the latest observation data and typical emission scenarios (RCPs), the effective radiation forcing of short life climate pollutants and their effects on the global climate are simulated respectively. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the effective radiation forcing of tropospheric ozone concentration changes since the life of the industrial leather The average value of the ball is 0.46 W/m2, and the global average surface temperature rises by 0.36 degree C, and the global average surface water vapor flux and precipitation change are 0.02 mm/day. because of the change of troposphere ozone concentration, the cloud amount in the middle and high latitudes increases obviously, but the cloud amount in the vicinity of 40 degree N decreases significantly. This is related to the change of evaporation of surface water vapor and convergence and divergence of air flow. (2) the effective radiation forcing of methane concentration changes in the atmosphere since the industrial revolution is 0.49 W/m2 (the uncertainty of spatial heterogeneity and nature of its concentration is less than 2%), resulting in the global average near ground temperature rising by 0.31 degrees C, and the heating is mainly distributed in the north and the south. In the middle and high latitudes of the hemisphere, the global average surface water vapor flux and precipitation caused by the increase of methane concentration are all 0.02 mm/day. while the change of the surface water vapor flux and the change of the convergence and divergence of the air flow increase the cloud amount in the high latitudes, while the cloud amount in the middle and low latitudes decreases. (3) between 2010 and 2050, it is guaranteed. The global average effective radiation force caused by the simultaneous changes in the concentration of pollutant emission levels (RCP8.5) and SLCPs two is 2.03 W/m2, thus increasing the global average near ground temperature by 1.95 degrees centigrade. The surface temperature is 1.74 W/m2 and 0.16 W/m2, which causes the surface temperature to be 1.72 and 0.26, respectively. Without the economic cost, the effective radiation force of the SLCPs concentration by 2050 (RCP2.6) is -0.38 W/m2, and the global average near ground temperature change is -0.2 C; on this basis, the carbon dioxide concentration is changed at the same time. Under the circumstances, the global average near ground temperature will rise 0.5 degrees C in 2050. In full consideration of the reasonable economic cost of emission reduction (RCP4.5), in 2050, the effective radiation forcing of SLCPs concentration alone is -0.22W/m2, resulting in the global average near ground temperature change to -0.04 C; and the concentration of carbon dioxide will be changed at the same time. The average near ground temperature of the ball will rise by 1.08 degrees C. The global average near ground temperature increment in 2050 is obviously reduced by two kinds of emission reduction scenarios. (4) RCP4.5 may be closest to the path of future emission reduction. Compared with RCP8.5, the global average near surface gas temperature decreased by 0.46 degrees to the high latitude in the northern hemisphere, compared with the SLCPs concentration change in 2050. At the same time, the variation of the global average surface water vapor flux and precipitation is the change of -0.02 mm/day. cloud amount mainly in the middle and high latitudes of the northern and southern hemispheres, which may be related to the change of the evaporation of the surface water vapor and the convergence and divergence of the air flow. The decrease of precipitation is mainly in the area, while the precipitation in most tropical regions increases.
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