基于RNA-seq的丛枝菌根真菌Gigaspora rosea基因构成及其共生发育相关基因的分析
[Abstract]:Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can form a unique mutualistic symbiotic with most of the roots of the earth - Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM).AM can significantly improve the nutrition, water metabolism and resistance of the host plant. Therefore, it is of great significance to modern sustainable agriculture. The biological and genetic complexity of the specific living body (Obligate biotrophy) organisms greatly restricts the study of molecular biological mechanisms for its development. Although the publication of the model Rhizophagus irregularis data has opened the first door to our understanding of the complete picture of the genetic composition of AMF, AMF is an independent one. The ancient fungal evolutionary branch (Glomeromycota), which contains rich genetic diversity and ecophysiological diversity, is not yet known whether the characteristics of the R.irregularis group data represent the general characteristics of the whole AMF group. In order to understand the characteristics of the AMF genetic composition and explore it more comprehensively The molecular biological mechanism of symbiotic development, this study selects a mycorrhizal fungal species, Gigaspora rosea (Diversisporales), which has significant differences in genetic and physiological characteristics with the pattern species R.irregularis (Glomerales) as the research object, using two generation nucleic acid sequencing technology (RNA-sequencing) and related bioinformatics analysis techniques. The main results are as follows: 1. in view of the physiological characteristics of G.rosea, this study optimizes the relevant experimental methods and uses these methods to successfully prepare high quality and high throughput sequencing nuclear acid (RNA) samples representing various typical developmental stages and overcome the previous AMF molecular biology research. In particular, the problem of insufficient AMF nucleic acid content and poor quality that existed in large-scale omics research,.2. uses CLC genomics workbench software to classify read segment sequence (reads) and splice (de novo assembly) from high throughput sequencing (de novo assembly), and obtains 86332 non redundant G.rosea virtual transcriptional sequences, the average length 643bp. passes through. Compared with the Refseq protein database, only 15346 transcripts can be annotated into a known gene in the database, indicating a large number of family specific orphan genes in AMF (Lineage-specific orphan genes). Protein functional annotations (GO and KOG) and comparison with other different groups of fungi show that a large number of letters have been enriched in AMF. Signal transduction related genes, which suggest that their interaction with host plants may involve intensive signal exchange processes. The results of the global metabolic pathway (KEGG) analysis show that AMF still retain most of the primary metabolic genes, and the missing few metabolic genes may cause important physiological characteristics in the specific active nutrition of AMF.AMF. The deep annotation of related genes indicated that the gene composition of AMF had some distinct characteristics different from other groups of group fungi, which largely reflected their special ecophysiological characteristics and evolutionary advantages. The phylogenetic relationship based on multiple gene alignment (phylogenomics) clearly indicated that AMF and Mucor (Mucoromycot) INA) the fungal relationship was closer, but not the previously considered biuclear subboundary fungus.3. found that there were significant differences in the expression of G.rosea during the development of the root, including the redox process (oxidation-reductio), which was mainly involved in the redox process (oxidation-reductio). N process), protein hydrolysis (proteolysis), transmembrane transport (transmembrane transport) and other processes. By comparing the similarities and differences of the G.rosea transcriptome in the two species of host plants that are far distant, the expression of the G.rosea gene in different hosts shows uncommon consistency: nearly half of the genes appear. Similar expression patterns. This consistency indicates that G.rosea is likely to use a very conservative gene expression regulation strategy to achieve its infection and colonization of all host plants. In addition, more than 40 expression patterns are also found by comparison of the transcriptional data of R.irregularis, a pattern species that is far closer to the relationship. The conserved AMF gene: these genes are obviously up-regulated in different species of AMF and in different species of host plants. These show that the annotation of G.rosea core genes in the conservative expression pattern indicates that secretory protein (Secreted protein) mediated signal transduction, transport protein (Transporter) mediated nutrition exchange, fatty acid chain extension and repair are shown. The process of lipid synthesis mediated by related enzymes may play a very important role in the establishment of AM symbiosis. Under the condition that the data of AMF are still very limited, these results not only provide a large amount of genetic data for the future research of AMF gene function, but also for the internal and other Glomeromycota groups. Comparative genomics or transcriptome studies of fungi provide the possibility.
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