
发布时间:2018-08-12 19:24
【摘要】:猎物不足是威胁中国野生东北虎生存和恢复的主要限制因素之一。鉴于在中国东北的野生东北虎分布区内,其主要猎物梅花鹿密度极低,不足0.1只/km2,该项目采用猎物重引入的方式帮助梅花鹿在野外建立稳定的基础种群。2012-2013年,作者在吉林省汪清国家级自然保护区,重引入人工饲养梅花鹿63只,置于建立在野外的过渡场内驯化1个月,而后就地释放。2012年6月到8月,以及2013年6月到8月,项目通过对重引入梅花鹿种群的监测,进行了其在重引入初期的适应性研究,以对未来在东北虎栖息地开展猎物重引入计划,及其它鹿类的重引入计划提供基础信息和技术指导。其研究主要结论如下:1、利用粪便分析法,对重引入梅花鹿在过渡场期间的食物组成变化进行研究,发现其采食的主要植物12科31属,其中柳属、杨属、栎属、桦木属和蒿属为其主要食物,占总采食量的46.48%。而重引入梅花鹿在过渡场的最初5天,食物组成与野外植物的可获得相关性高,而后经过一段时间的波动,最终在10天后,形成稳定的食物选择。将其稳定期的食物组成与当地同期野生梅花鹿的食物组成相比较,结果显示总体差异不显著。2、提取测定重引入梅花鹿粪便中皮质醇激素的含量,结果显示重引入梅花鹿种群到达过渡场的最初10天,其粪便中皮质醇含量较高且不稳定(588.3±93.4)ng/g,表明其应激反应强烈。然而,其含量整体呈下降趋势,10天后其含量逐渐平稳在约355.10±63.1 ng/g。将其与当地同期野生梅花鹿比较,同期粪便中的皮质醇含量相似。本研究没有发现10日内因应激反应而产生的梅花鹿由于健康问题或死亡,因此认为,种群在非捕食动物刺激的情况下,在10日之内将重引入梅花鹿的应激反应消除是可靠的。3、从行为学角度,利用瞬间扫描法来研究重引入梅花鹿在过渡场期间的行为变化,结果显示在其到达过渡场最初10日内,其行为时间分配波动较大,存在一定的日活动节律,但并不稳定。而在到达过渡场10天后,逐步形成稳定的时间分配和日活动节律。其稳定后,日活动节律基本与野生梅花鹿相似。值得注意的是,重引入梅花鹿到达过渡场前10天,采食行为所占比例很低,而观望行为的比例很高,这也是高应激反应的一个表现。而后,即使在采食逐渐增多的第5天左右,其观望行为的比例仍然很高,而反刍行为所占比例却较低,这个阶段对于鹿群的适应是一个关键时间,在应激反应的影响下,反刍受到波动而采食开始逐渐增多,如果没有及时消除应激反应,很有可能对梅花鹿的代谢产生影响,甚至出现健康问题。4、在过渡场驯化1个月后,重引入梅花鹿就地释放。项目利用无线电项圈对其跟踪监测,并对其释放后的生境选择进行研究。同时,辅助利用自动相机对当地野生梅花鹿的生境选择进行研究。结果显示释放后的重引入梅花鹿偏爱选择位于坡度小于25°,灌木密度小而乔木密度适中的区域,同时其对水源依赖,会倾向选择距离水源较近(500m)的生境。其与同域分布的梅花鹿存在一定的一致性,如两者均倾向于选择坡度较小的区域,均倾向于选择乔木密度较适中的区域。然而,野生梅花鹿在生境选择上更注重回避捕食,如倾向于选择上坡位,距离隐蔽较近的地方活动,以及远离人为干扰区域。此外,主成分分析的结果显示对于重引入梅花鹿,其绝对值较大的权系数出现在坡度、坡位、距水源距离和郁闭度上,说明在重引入地的选择上,以上生境因子应优先考虑。5、总的来讲,重引入的梅花鹿在采食、应激和行为上的适应,都会在最初的10天完成,表现为初期的波动和逐渐稳定、适应的规律。因此,在管理方面,更严格的监测和可能需要的人工干预都会出现在这个阶段,应安排相应的人力和做好准备工作。而对于释放后的梅花鹿群,其与野生梅花鹿群仍存在一定的差异,特别是在回避捕食上,释放后管理人员应该尽可能地促进重引入的梅花鹿与野生梅花鹿尽早合群,以使其更快完成生境选择上的适应过程。
[Abstract]:Inadequate prey is one of the major constraints threatening the survival and recovery of wild Siberian tigers in northeastern China. In view of the extremely low density of its main prey, less than 0.1 Sika Deer per km2, the project uses prey reintroduction to help Sika Deer establish a stable base population in the wild. In 2012-2013, the project was conducted. In Wangqing National Nature Reserve of Jilin Province, 63 sika deer were reintroduced and domesticated in a transitional field for one month, then released in situ. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The food composition of reintroduced sika deer during the transitional period was studied by fecal analysis method, and 12 families and 31 genera of the main plants were found, including willow. Genus Populus, Quercus, Betula and Artemisia are the main food intake, accounting for 46.48% of the total food intake. However, the food composition of the reintroduced sika deer has a high correlation with the availability of wild plants in the first 5 days of the transitional field. After a period of fluctuation, a stable food selection will be formed after 10 days. Comparing the food composition of Wild Sika Deer in the same period, the results showed that the total difference was not significant. 2. Extraction and determination of cortisol hormone in feces of reintroduced Sika Deer showed that the content of cortisol in feces of reintroduced sika deer was high and unstable (588.3 65 However, the content of cortisol in the feces of Sika Deer decreased as a whole, and gradually stabilized at about 355.10 (+ 63.1 ng / g) after 10 days. Compared with the local Wild Sika deer, the content of cortisol in the feces of sika deer during the same period was similar. It is reliable to eliminate the stress response of reintroduced sika deer in 10 days under the stimulation of predators. 3 From the behavioral point of view, the behavior changes of reintroduced sika deer during the transitional field were studied by using the instantaneous scanning method. The results showed that the behavior time distribution fluctuated greatly within the first 10 days of reaching the transitional field. The daily activity rhythm is basically similar to that of Wild Sika deer. It is noteworthy that the proportion of feeding behavior is very low and the proportion of wait-and-see behavior is very high 10 days before reintroducing sika deer to the transitional field. After that, even on the fifth day or so of increasing feeding, the proportion of wait-and-see behavior is still very high, while the proportion of rumination behavior is relatively low. This stage is a critical time for the adaptation of deer herds. Under the influence of stress response, rumination is fluctuating and feeding begins to increase gradually. If the stress response is not eliminated in time, it may affect the metabolism of sika deer and even cause health problems. 4. After one month of domestication in the transitional field, the sika deer are reintroduced and released in situ. Habitat selection of reintroduced sika deer was studied. The results showed that the reintroduced Sika Deer preferred to locate in the area with slope less than 25 degrees, small shrub density and moderate tree density. However, Wild Sika deer are more likely to avoid predation in habitat selection, such as uphill position, activities close to concealment, and areas far from human disturbance. Sika deer, whose absolute value of the greater weight coefficients appear in slope, slope position, distance from water source and canopy density, indicating that the selection of reintroduced land, the above habitat factors should be given priority to. 5. Generally speaking, reintroduced sika deer in feeding, stress and behavior adaptation, will be completed in the first 10 days, showing the initial fluctuations and gradual. Therefore, in terms of management, stricter monitoring and possible human intervention will occur at this stage, and corresponding manpower and preparatory work should be arranged. However, there are still some differences between the released sika deer herd and the Wild Sika Deer herd, especially in avoiding predation. As far as possible, the reintroduced sika deer and Wild Sika deer should be encouraged to group together as soon as possible so that they can complete the adaptation process of habitat selection more quickly.


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