[Abstract]:The natural cosmic ray mouton scattering imaging technology has many advantages, such as no artificial radiation source, strong penetration, sensitive to high Z material, etc. It is suitable for detecting hidden high Z material, and has become a research hotspot in recent years. However, due to the low flux of natural cosmic rays, it takes a long time to realize material identification. In this paper, theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out on energy measurement of cosmic ray moutons based on time-of-flight method, application of energy information in moutons scattering imaging and rapid identification of high-Z materials. In order to effectively introduce energy information into Miao scattering imaging and shorten the time required for material identification, firstly, based on Miuron scattering imaging theory, the condition of introducing accurate mouton energy information is studied. The physical limit of Miao scattering imaging method in material identification. In order to solve the problem of limited precision of practical meatus energy measurement technique, a material identification method with the introduction of muzzle energy segment is established. The influence of uncertainty of energy measurement on the introduction of energy information and material identification in scattering imaging is studied by Monka simulation. The requirements of Miurus scattering imaging method for energy measurement are analyzed. The time-of-flight method, which does not significantly change the physical properties of the moutons, is used to measure the moutons energy. A multi-layer time-of-flight method is proposed to improve the accuracy of energy measurement in a limited flight space. The corresponding energy segmentation method is established. The relationship between the performance of energy segmentation and the number of examples, time resolution and the number of layers of time-of-flight detector is discussed. Based on the MRPC detector with time resolution about 100ps, the experimental platform of time-of-flight energy measurement is built, and the delay of time-of-flight measurement system is corrected, and the energy measurement and segmentation based on time-of-flight method are realized. On the basis of the principle experimental device of Mius scattering imaging in Tsinghua University, the first experimental system of Miu scattering imaging with the function of time-of-flight energy measurement is set up, and the simultaneous measurement of track and energy of cosmic ray moutons is realized. With reference to the experimental system, the corresponding Monka simulation scheme is established, and the theoretical expectation of the material identification method based on the energy measurement and segmentation of the time-of-flight method is given. The experimental results are basically in line with the expectation. In the aspect of high Z material identification, the rule of the detection rate and misjudgment rate of high Z material with the number of cases is given by using hypothesis test and ROC analysis, and the energy measurement and segmentation by time-of-flight method are demonstrated through the performance comparison. The AUC value of the ROC curve is about 25% higher than that without energy information.
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