
发布时间:2018-09-01 06:04
[Abstract]:The determinants of species richness along environmental gradients have always been one of the focuses of ecological research. Understanding the general determinants of species richness is particularly important for species conservation. Various hypotheses have been proposed but only a small percentage have potential predictive power for species richness. Both the environmental heterogeneity hypothesis and the productivity hypothesis in the energy hypothesis are frequently discussed, but there is still no consensus conclusion. Negative and unimodal correlations have also been reported. Similarly, productivity has a strong impact on species richness, but there is no uniform pattern. How to understand the relationship between species richness and environmental heterogeneity, and whether the changes in these patterns are related to productivity? In addition, environmental factors have a strong impact on species richness. The impact is not necessarily direct, but may be indirect, especially at a small scale, through the impact of other biological factors, including not only the interactions between organisms, but also the composition of regional species pools and the total number of individuals in communities. Which of these two relationships is more general? This paper will explore the determinants of plant community species richness along environmental gradients by means of computer simulation, field experiments and statistical inference. Explicit competition-colonization trade-off model shows that the relationship between species richness and environmental heterogeneity depends on the productivity level of the community: species richness is positively correlated with environmental heterogeneity at high or low productivity levels; and the relationship between species richness and environmental heterogeneity at moderate productivity levels is a single peak curve. This indicates that productivity level is an important factor affecting the pattern of species richness-environmental heterogeneity. All plant communities are individual. We propose a new formula S = C* (1-exp (-(pa*E+pb/J+pc)*J) by further extending the species-individual cumulative curve S = C (1-e~(-ZJ)) and then substituting it from the model. The results showed that the formula could effectively explain the variation of species richness (P 0.01, R~2 = 0.9464) for communities with uniform spatial environment, i.e. the variation of species richness in plant communities could be explained jointly by the total number of individuals (J), evenness (E) and the size of species pool (C). At the same time, the formula effectively explained the variation of species richness along slope gradient (P 0.01, R~2 = 0.7667). The increase of species richness along sunny-shady gradient was due to the increase of evenness and the total number of individuals along sunny-shady gradient. When the spatial environment of the habitat is uniform, the relationship between species richness and biological factors is more general, that is, the influence of environmental factors on species richness of plant community is mainly realized indirectly by total community number (J), evenness (E) or species pool size (C). However, when the spatial environment of the habitat is heterogeneous, species richness and environmental factors are more common. The relationship between elements is more general, that is, environmental heterogeneity has a direct impact on species richness. Thus, the ability of biological factors to explain species richness depends on whether the spatial environment is homogeneous.


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