[Abstract]:Due to its unique optical properties, terahertz spectral region has attracted much attention in recent 30 years. Wideband terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) is the most important and commonly used terahertz optical technology. In this technique, the common methods of THz generation are photoconductive switch and electro-optic crystal optical rectification, and the common THz detection methods are photoconductive switch and electro-optic sampling. Optical rectification and electro-optic sampling of nonlinear crystals are widely used because of their wide response spectrum, simple structure and convenient operation. In this doctoral dissertation, some theoretical and experimental studies of a new THz time-domain spectroscopy based on nonlinear electro-optic crystal optical rectification and electro-optic sampling detection are studied, and their application in terahertz real-time imaging and transient imaging is also studied. It mainly includes 1: 1. In this paper, a theoretical model considering partial laser polarization and incomplete extinction of polarizer is proposed, and it is used to analyze two kinds of optical bias structures, namely: 45 掳optical bias structure and nearly 0 掳optical bias structure, which are commonly used in terahertz electro-optic sampling technology. The merits and demerits of their modulation system, linear range and signal-to-noise ratio are compared. A new terahertz electro-optic sampling device is proposed. The device is based on nearly 0 掳optical bias and combines the advantages of good symmetry of 45 掳optical bias structure. At the same time, there is a linear dynamic range equivalent to 45 掳optical bias structure, as well as a higher noise cancellation capability and signal-to-noise ratio than both. The performance of the device is theoretically analyzed, and the influence of the performance of the polarization-independent beam splitter of the key device on the system's capability of noise cancellation and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is analyzed. The modulation system, linear range, noise elimination ability and signal-to-noise ratio of the new electro-optic sampling structure and the near 0 掳optical bias structure are compared experimentally. It is proved that the new electro-optic sampling structure has better performance in these three aspects: the optical modulation system is up to 9.8, which is nearly 2 times that of the nearly 0 掳optical bias structure, and the linear dynamic range is far greater than that of the nearly 0 掳optical bias structure. The signal to noise ratio of the available terahertz waveforms measured by a 20 掳polarization independent beam splitter is 15.5 times that of the optical bias structure near 0 掳, and the system has 34 times more noise cancelling power than that of the nearly 0 掳optical bias structure. And this beam splitter will not limit the application range of the new electro-optic sampling structure. A novel terahertz electro-optic sampling structure is applied to the single terahertz measurement of chirped pulse spectrum coding. A push-pull chirped pulse spectrum coding system for terahertz pulse single measurement is proposed. The working principle of the measurement system is analyzed theoretically, and compared with the traditional spectral coding method proposed by X.-C.Zhang et al. It is verified that the system can realize the single measurement of terahertz pulse high modulation, wide linear range and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A novel wideband pulse terahertz real time differential imaging system is proposed. This system is easy to realize terahertz near field imaging and polarization imaging. This imaging system is superior to the traditional terahertz real-time imaging system proposed by X.-C.Zhang et al in signal-to-noise ratio, linearity and modulation system for the transmission terahertz imaging of two-dimensional metal cross. At the same time, the scheme of the near-field measurement system of the system is put forward. At last, the realization scheme of transient multi-amplitude imaging system for terahertz transient imaging is proposed. The implementation details of the scheme are described in detail, and the final imaging results are simulated.
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