[Abstract]:The Wenchuan earthquake is a complex rupture process on imbricated curved faults. Both Beichuan-Yingxiu fault, Guanxian-Jiangyou fault and Xiaoyudong fault intersected vertically have surface ruptures. The existing dynamics and kinematics studies have shown that the rupture extends to the intersection of three faults and undergoes an important transformation. The rupture sequence of Beichuan fault, Pengguan fault and Xiaoyudong fault is the key to inverting the rupture process of Wenchuan earthquake.Firstly, a reasonable three-dimensional complex fault model is established. Based on the parallel non-negative least squares method and multi-time window technique, the method combines far-field, near-field, GPS and surface rupture data to invert Wenchuan earthquake. The high frequency radiation distribution on fault plane is inverted by using near field acceleration record and differential evolution method, and the difference between high frequency and low frequency seismic wave radiation is analyzed. A more realistic curved surface fault model is established, and the fracture process of Wenchuan earthquake is inverted by using the parallel non-negative least square method and multi-time window technique with the vertical P-wave displacement records of 36 stations in the far field. If the Pengguan fault and Xiaoyudong fault intersect, a dislocation of up to 4m will occur near the surface of the southern section of the fault, and no dislocation will occur near the surface of the Hongkou-Yingxiu area of the Beichuan fault, which is in contradiction with the surface rupture. Bilateral rupture occurs at the intersection of strata, and dislocations corresponding to surface rupture occur near Hongkou-Yingxiu, which is obviously superior to unilateral rupture. Faults are close in space, and the waveforms of Green's function are similar at the far-field stations. The inversion based on the far-field records can not distinguish the dislocations of the two stations, and the reliability of the dislocation distribution in the south section of Beichuan fault is greater than that of Pengguan fault. 2. 43 stations with uniform near-field azimuth coverage are selected and parallel non-negative velocity records are used. The results show that: (1) Similar to the inversion results from far-field records, the unilateral rupture and the Pengguan fault occur at the intersection of the Xiaoyudong fault and the dislocation does not occur at the Hongkou-Yingxiu shallow part of the Beichuan fault. Only when the Beichuan fault intersects with the Xiaoyudong fault can the dislocations of fissure anastomosis be satisfied. Therefore, the Beichuan fault needs to undergo bilateral rupture. The slip rate to the larger PGV is in good agreement with that to the adjacent area of the fault plane. It shows that the area where the larger slip rate occurs on the fault plane is often accompanied by the larger PGV produced by the adjacent stations. 3. In order to overcome the defect of insufficient resolution of single data, the far-field and near-field data as well as the far-field, near-field, GPS and co-seismic data are combined. The results show that: (1) the combination of far-field and near-field data can improve the recognition ability of slip distribution in the south part of Beichuan fault, the South half of PGF and the north part of Beichuan fault. (2) GPS data can control the slip in the shallow part of the fault and the north part of Beichuan fault. (3) The joint inversion results show that the rupture duration of the Wenchuan earthquake is 100 s, the release moment is 1.058 (21) N 65507 The dislocations on the lower side of Menshan Town and near the surface of Hongkou-Yingxiu are mainly thrusting, with the maximum slip of 12 m at the lower side of Hongkou and strike slip of 10 m at the vicinity of Yuejiashan to Qingping. In the area from Nanba to Qingchuan, the strike-slip dislocation is dominant, and the maximum slip is 10m. On Pengguan fault, the dislocation in the area below Bailu is also dominant, and the deep dislocation of the fault is 8m.4. The acceleration envelope attenuation relationship established by Lushan seismic record and the acceleration envelope of 30 stations in the near-field of Wenchuan earthquake are used based on the line source model. The regional distribution of high frequency (1Hz) radiation on the fault plane of Wenchuan earthquake is inverted by chemical method. The results show that: (1) the distribution of high frequency radiation on the fault plane is very uneven, and the regions with strong radiation are mainly located in Yingxiu, Beichuan and Nanba regions, which produce large surface ruptures, and the surrounding areas of concave-convex bodies such as Yingxiu and Beichuan, including 60-90km area in the north-east of the earthquake. Beichuan and Nanba are located at 30 km northeast of Beichuan and Nanba, and the northeast end of the fault rupture stops at about 30 km long. The envelope obtained from the relationship between frequency radiation distribution and attenuation synthesizes the acceleration time history, which can provide seismic input for the seismic damage analysis of Wenchuan earthquake structure.
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