[Abstract]:Further to the 1988 EMC polarization-depth inelastic scattering experiment, which measured almost zero quark spin contributions in protons, CERN, DESY, JLab, RHIC and SLAC also measured the spin structures of protons. The measurements show that the nuclear flavor state axial charge 0A (interpreted as quark spin contributions in protons) is about 0.35% at the energy scale of 3 Ge V2. Although this is different from the EMC measurements, it is still very small compared to the earlier quark models. In the static quark model, quarks contribute all the spins of protons; in the relativistic quark model, quarks contribute 60% of the spins of protons and 40% of the angular momentum of quarks. What about spin crisis or spin perplexity? This has also sparked theoretical and experimental studies of the internal structure of proton spin in the last 30 years. Orbital angular momentum, QCD gluon correction, singular quark contribution, SU (3) breakage of octet axial load 8a, etc. The present experimental data indicate that the proton spin puzzle is the valence quark effect, and the valence quark contribution to the singlet axial load 0A is almost full of measured values. In deep inelastic scattering experiments, the theoretical basis for explaining the observed structure function is the chiral symmetry of QCD.QCD at the limit of zero quark mass.Chiral effective field theory is the low-efficiency theory of QCD.Chiral chiral symmetry breaking produces Goldstone bosons as an effective meson field of chiral effective theory.Absorption and emission Virtual mesons play an important role in describing the properties of hadrons. Chiral effective field theory, unlike the general phenomenological model, is a relatively systematic theory. Based on the same chiral symmetry as QCD, it is widely used in hadronic physics and has many successful applications in the study of hadronic spectra and hadronic structures. The general nature of evolution leads to the conclusion that the natural scales matching the QCD quark model are very low, so most of the proton momentum is carried by valence quarks, and gluons can be thought to have been accumulated in theory. The model gives different energy scales. Therefore, we study the spin of protons and the axial loads of other octet baryons by using the effective field theory. The spin and taste structures of baryons are redistributed under the constraint of chiral symmetry. The single gluon exchange (OGE) effect, though not in the chiral effective field theory, plays a very important role in spin-dependent physical quantities, so we also include the OGE exchange effect in our calculations. We have calculated the spins of each quark separately. The spin contribution, therefore, can be obtained both singlet and non-singlet axial loads a_3 (g_A), a_8. For the explanation of proton spin, our calculation gives three reasonable values of axial loads at the same time, which are in good agreement with the experiment and are superior to other models. Other models only give some reasonable explanations of axial loads. The following is a list for proton calculations. The main conclusions are a s follows: 1. By taking the experimental value a_3=1.27, the only parameter in our calculation is fitted. The low-energy spin constant S_q~0.88q s, which reflects the magnitude of relativity and confinement effect, is smaller than the traditional quark model (without considering relativistic effect), and is larger than the extreme relativistic effect ~0.65. We use this parameter to calculate a_8, a_0, and the calculated values are very consistent with the experimental values of ~0.58 under the assumption of superon beta decay SU(3). 3. For the singlet axial load a_0, we give a low energy scale suitable for the quark model. Quark spin contribution a_0~0.55 and quark distribution u~0.91,? D~-0.36,? S~-0.01. By relativistic effect, meson cloud and OGE modification, the contribution of quark spin of proton is changed from the initial quark model contribution to about half of the contribution. 4. Because the anomalous dimension of the single state axial vector current is not zero, the singlet axial load 0A is scale-dependent, and through appropriate modification Evolution model only gives qualitative analysis before our calculation (Jaffe 1987). Our calculation gives a precise quantitative description, which explains the proton puzzle very well. 5. For the contribution of the singular quark spin, our results are negative. Our calculations provide a very important insight into the proton puzzle. Mesoon clouds, OGE effects and relativistic effects transform the quark's spin into orbital angular momentum, and the experimental values are obtained by evolution. Our calculations directly give the spins of quarks of various flavors. Meanwhile, in our calculation, we change the form of hadronic coupling constants D, F, C, and truncation function. The results are all within the error range of our estimation, which shows the stability of the calculation. Spin and axial load. The low-energy spin constant s_q fitted in the proton is used in the calculation, and there are no other parameters. The isospin vector axial load calculated by us is very close to other theoretical calculations and the lattice data, which shows that our calculation results are reasonable. We have calculated the octet axial load 8a,... For the baryon of the octet state. Spin_is similar to that obtained by protons. At low energy scales, the contribution of quark spin is about 50(25)60% of the valence quark region, and evolves to the experimental energy scales 3 Ge V~2, resulting in -0.35. The contribution of the middle D quark is very small ~0.01-0.02, and the spin direction is opposite to the baryon spin direction.
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